Chapter 1: New Student

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I groaned because of the annoying alarm clock. I quickly turned it off and got up from my bed.

Shit! I forgot! Its my freaking first day!!! Waahhh!! I'm so excited!!! Yayy!! I wish I'll have friends there. I don't have any friends in my previous school. 

I excitedly entered the bathroom.

Fast forward....

I gulped. Shit! I'm nervous. Okay! This is it! I knocked on the door and it opened making my hands water. "Oh! New student! Come in!" The teacher greeted me.

So I shyly entered the room. I was in front of my classmates ready to introduce myself. They were smiling at me. Hmm... They seems nice to me. I glanced at the back where I spotted a boy who is wearing all black.

Black cap
Black Jacket
Black Jeans
And black mask.

Is this a kidnapper or something?
"Uhm... Mister! Can you like... Introduce to yourself now?!" A girl said. 

"U-uhh.. My name is Min Yoongi. Uhm... 17 years old. Please take care of me." I said so they all clapped happily except to the boy at the back.

"Okay Yoongi. Sit beside Mr. Park. The one who's wearing a black Jacket." The teacher said so I nodded and sat beside him. I tapped his shoulder. But he won't look at me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I tapped his Shoulder again. "What?!" He asked annoyed without looking at me. "U-uh... Uhm.. I just want to know your name." I asked nicely.

"Its... Fuck Off." I gasped because he said the 'f' word!

"*Gasps* You said the f word!" I said. "I don't care. Stop talking to me."

I huffed and crossed my arms while pouting. "Hiii! My name is Jungkook!" A bunny boy talked to me which made me smile.

"Hi! can you be my friend? I don't have any friends here." I pouted. "Okay! Yayy! Look Jiminie! I have a new friend!" Jungkook told him. So Jimin is his name?

"I don't care, Jungkook. Pay attention to the teacher or you'll get scolded again." He said. "Yah! PARK JUNGKOOK! PARK JIMIN! Pay attention to class or I'll kick you outta here!" Speaking of the devil

(Hii! Author-nim here. Jungkook and Jimin are brothers in this story;))

"Told ya."


Recess time

"Hey! Yoongi! Follow me. I want you to meet my friends!" Jungkook said. "Yayy! More friends the merrier!"

We went to the cafeteria and I Just followed Jungkook until he stopped walking.

"Guys! This is Min Yoongi our new classmate and my new friend!" Jungkook introduced me to the 4 boys

"Hi! My name is Kim Namjoon! Nice meeting you!" The brown haired boy said while smiling. I noticed his dimples in his cheeks.

"Hi! My name is Kim Seokjin! I'm the oldest boy of the group." The pink-haired boy said. Woah! His shoulders are so broad.

"Hi! I'm your hope, I'm your angel! Jhope! But my real name is Jung Hoseok!"

"Yah! Jimin! Introduce yourself to our new friend." Jin introduced

"Don't care." He mumbled. Wait. I looked at him..  Oh! Its the 'I don't care' guy -_-

"Aish! This boy! His name is Park Jimin. 17 years old. Born on---"

"You don't have to tell him the full details of my life." He said coldly. Jungkook sat beside him. "Hyungiee. Don't be rude to them pls?" He showed his puppy eyes to Jimin. Are they a thing?

"Aish. Fine." He stood up.

"My name is Park Fucking Jimin. 17 years old. There! I introduced myself to him! Happy?" He introduce without looking at me. rOoD

"Very!" They all said

"Sorry Yoongi for Jimin hyung's attitude awhile ago."

"Its okay Jungkook."

"Jungkook... Shut up and eat your food." Jimin told him so Jungkook immediately eat his food. "Where's my nickname Hyung?"

"Kookie... Just eat your food OK?"
Jungkook nodded.

I sat next to Namjoon. "Don't worry... They are brothers.  Jimin only shows his soft side to him." He told me. "Hmm... Why is he wearing a mask?"

"Oh... I don't know. Don't worry he will take it off tomorrow. Believe me!" I nodded and watched the two brothers talking


"Hyung! Yoongi is so cute right?" I asked him. He just nodded without thinking. So I grinned like an idiot. "wait! No! He. Is. Not!"

"Oh hyungie! Don't lie! You like him, don't you?" I smirked. "Jungkook. No. I don't like him. I only love Taehyung. No one will replace him in my heart. So shut up and eat your food." He said

I have a feeling that this Min Yoongi guy will change Jimin hyung.

So here's the first chap! I hope you like it! Vote and comment guys! Thanks!

To be continued....

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