Chapter 7: Eat, Shortie

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I didn't eat my breakfast this morning. So I left the house with an empty stomach. And here we are! Taking a quiz-_-

I was thinking about pizza, Burger and fries. And my stomach growled at the thought. Ughhhhh!!!!

I looked at the clock. Its still 9:27! Only three minutes to go until its break time!


That's my stomach! Huhuhu! Poor me! I looked at Jimin who's silently sleeping. He looks like a pig when he sleeps. Hihihi! I'm so evil.


I immediately exited the classroom.  Because damn! I'm hungry!! "Yoongi hyung! Wait for us!" I heard Jungkook yell behind me. He was dragging Jimin

"Yah! Shortie! Why the fuck are you running?!" I heard Jimin yell.

"Its because I'm damn hungry already!"

I'm  at the cafeteria now. I grabbed my wallet in my pocket but I can't find it. Shit! I forgot! I forgot my wallet in my house!!! Ughhhhh!!!

I pouted and crossed my arms. I searched my friends at the cafeteria. And there they are! Laughing at each other-_-.

I heard some heavy pants behind me so I quickly turned around. Its Jungkook and Jimin!

I went to join my friends. Jungkook sat beside Hoseok while Jimin sat beside me. I pouted and sulked. "Why are you sulking, shortie?" Jimin asked me. I glared at him. "I'm hungry! I didn't ate my breakfast this morning. And I forgot my wallet." I whined while pouting. My stomach began to growl.

I saw Jimin stood up and walked away. Where is he going?

After 5 minutes....
Jimin came back with a tray on his hands. He placed it in front of me. Waaahhhh!!!! Fooooodddd!!!!! "Eat, shortie." He commanded. And who am I to say no?!!!

I ate the foods in just 3 minutes.
I burped and patted my stomach. Im so full!! I heard them chuckle. "You're so cute!" Jin hyung cooed.

I felt Jimin ruffled my hair. "You should eat more, shortie. You're so skinny." He commented

"Thank you for the food, grumps!"

"Don't mention it, kid."

"Yah! I'm older than you!!"

"Still... You're shorter than me. And you look like a kid to me. Cute and adorable." He said while pinching my cheeks.

I blushed. "Y-yahhh!!!"

Jungkook leaned in and whispered to my ear. "Jimin hyung rarely compliments people. You're so lucky sistah." He whispered and I blush.

"Ohh! Jiminiee! Are you concern to our Yoongi?" Hoseok asked  him.

Jimin scoffed and crossed his arms. "Tch! No! I just don't like him to collapse on the floor because of hunger."

"Then you ARE concern to him."

"Im not concern to him. I'm concern to the expensive floor. Tch. In your dreams assholes." He said and walked away.

I just pouted. He's not concern to me, he's concern to the floor -,-

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