Chapter 25: Meeting his parents again

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My beautiful dream was interrupted because of the sound of my phone. I fluttered my eyes open and grabbed my cellphone to the nightstand.

I opened it causing me to fall. "FUCK!" I cursed really loud that made Yoongi awake.

"Ji-- Oppa! What are you doing there?" He asked. "SHIT! FUCK! FUCK!" I cursed over and over again.

From Dad:

Come to our house this lunch. Bring your boyfriend.

Those are the nine words that made me panic. I stood up from the floor and carried Yoongi who's stretching his arms. I put him into the bathroom. "Why are we here?" He asked. "Go take a bath! Shit! Wear a nice outfit, princess! Okay?" I said and he nodded.

"Of course!" He smiled.

I frowned. "Don't you dare wear shorts." I said in a deep voice.

"I'm going to wear shortssss!!! You're not the boss of me!!!!"

"But I'm your daddy, princess." He blushed and hit my chest playfully.

"Fuck off Jimin." He pushed me out and closed the door.

Time skip

"Ughhhh! I said don't wear shortsss! There is a possibility that there is Jihyun there!" I whined while going downstairs. 

"So what if there's Jihyun? He has Taehyung already! You're the one that I like." He said that made me blush.

"Hahahaha! Are you blushing????" He asked while laughing. "Ugh! Fuck off, shortie."

We were about to open the door but a voice stopped us. "Where are you two going?" Yoongi's dad Asked.

"Uhm.... Were going to his Parent's house dad." Yoongi said in a nervous tone.

Yoongi's dad eyes me from top to bottom and I gulped. "If I see any scratch on his skin. I will cut your dick off. " He threatened

I nodded nervously. "O-Ofcourse!"

"Why are you here anyway? I don't remember you entering our house."

Fuck! Were doomed!

I opened my mouth but no words came out. "Dad! Stop interviewing him! Let's go Jimin." He grabbed my fist and dragged me outside.

When we went outside, Yoongi laughed really hard that made me furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you laughing!?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you afraid of my dad??? Hahahaha!"

"Ugh! S-shut up!"

Time skip

As we entered my parents' house. A maid greeted us

"Goodmorning Sir Jimin and Sir Jimin's Boyfriend. Your parents are already waiting for you." She informed us.

I nodded. "Okay Dana. You may leave." She bowed again and left.

I looked at Yoongi who's pouting. "Hey, why are you pouting princess?"

"N-Nothing! That girl was just sexy and... You know... Pretty? And you---"

"Aaawww.... Don't be Jealous baby! Hahaha. You're so cute. Come on! Let's go to the dining room."

When we entered the dining room. I saw my Dad talking with my Mom.
And there's Taehyung---


"Ohhh! There you are! My Son!" Mom and Dad hugged me. My mom looked at Yoongi and smiled. "Hello there! Yoongi right?" Yoongi nodded and bowed.

"Min Yoongi Ma'am and Sir. The cute boyfriend of Park Jimin, Your handsome and hot son." I widened my eyes and blushed. He is so fucking confident!

My mom and dad laughed. "Of course! My son is really handsome and hot! I made him! Without my cum... My wife will not get pregnant with such handsome children." My dad smirked while mom hit his head.

"And Yoongi. We are sorry for our behaviour when we first met. We are really sorry. It's just.... Jimin is our first son. We don't want him to get hurt. And... You two kinda lied to us you know?"

"Me too mom and dad. I'm sorry for my behaviour last meeting. Its just... Yoongi is really special to me. My heart hurts when someone disrespects him or hurt him physically." I said seriously to them.

"Aaaaww! You two are cute. Come and sit!"


Jimin held my hand and pulled a chair and gestured me to sit. Aish! So gentleman! Taehyung glared at me and I just raised an eyebrow to him and rolled my eyes.

"So... Jimin and Yoongi. How did you meet together?" Jimin's dad asked

"Uhm... He was my classmate obviously. We kinda hate each other when we first met." Jimin explained while scratching his neck.

"ohhh!! Haters to lovers aye? How about you Jihyun and Taehyung? How did you met?" -Jimin's Mom

Jihyun widened his eyes and opened his mouth but no words came out. "Uhm... W-We met because of J-Jimin h-Hyung. Y-yeah!"

"Huh? Why are you stuttering?" Jimin sighed. "Yeah mom. Its true... They met because of me. Well... Taehyung here was my first boyfriend and he stole him from me." Jimin said with a blank face. He still loves Taehyung?

"But its okay *Smiles*. At least... I met this wonderful human being." I blushed and punched his chest playfully.

"I did not stole him away from you, Jimin. He just didn't love you anymore." Jihyun shouted. "Watch your voice, kid. I'm still your hyung." I was shocked at his voice. Its so fucken deep and strict.

Jihyun shuts his mouth and looked down at his lap. "I just said a while ago that its okay, right? I always forgive you, Jihyun. But if you steal him away from me. If you take my princess away. I'll kill you brutally." He threatens and I squeezed his hand under the table. "Calm down, MinMin."

"Do you understand Jihyun?"

"Yes, Hyung."

Jimin smiled and nodded. "Okay."

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