Chapter 5: Cats and dogs

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I groaned because of the loudness of the alarm clock. I quickly turned it off and got up. Ugh! Its saturday again! Another boring day of my life.

I asked my friends about their sexualities. Jin hyung and Namjoon are together and they are both gays. (A/N: Theyre gay for each other ;)

While Jhope, Jungkook and Jimin are bisexual. When I found out their sexuality I told them that I was gay. Like 100000000% gay!

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a bath. After taking a bath... I wore my ootd.

I'm wearing black shorts showing my milky thighs ;)
And black comfortable T-shirt that says 'Cute but devilish inside'.

I went outside and went to their house. I knocked on the door so it opened. "Oh hi Yoongi! Good morning!!!" Jungkook exclaimed

"Good morning to you too, Kookie! Where's Jimin?"

"Ayieee! Looking for Jimin hyung, Aye?" I blushed while he wiggled his eyebrows

"N-no! Geez! I'm just asking! Where is he? I want to annoy that little midget!" I smirked.

I just want to annoy him okay? Got a problem? "To answer your question. He's in his room, Sleeping. And... Little midget? He is 5 inches taller than you, For your information! And just a little advice... Don't wake him up if you still want to get out of his room alive! Okay?" I nodded eagerly. He smirked. "Looks like you really want to see him so bad? Huh?"

"W-what?!! No! Ugh! Where are the others by the way?"

"Oh... In the game room. Now shoo!"
I chuckled at his weirdness

I went upstairs and opened his door. When I opened the door I was greeted by the smell of... Sweet Jesus Christ!! The room stinks! (Its because he masturbated last night;))

I went to his bed. Aaww! He is so ccuuu--- sshh!
He is snoring cutely. And I noticed that he is topless! Waaahh!! Shit! I sound like a highschool girl here.

I noticed that he is holding something in his right hand. So I slowly took it. It was a crumpled picture? I opened it...
My chest tightened because of the picture. Jimin was smiling brightly with a beautiful boy beside him.

The boy was smiling brightly too. And I noticed that he has a boxy smile! Its so cute! But I'm cuter tho-_-

I noticed a handwriting at the back so i turned the picture around

Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin

I love you Taehyung.

My 4-D alien ;)

No one can replace my love for you, my Angel.

I heard a groan so I quickly crumpled the picture and put it inside my pocket.

"Yah! Wake up, grumps!" I said while shaking him but its no use. He won't wake up-_-

He asked, shocked

So I laughed. "Hahahahahahaha! Oh my goshhhh!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!"

"Yah! Stop laughing, shortie! And why the fuck are you here?!" He shouted. So I stopped laughing. "To wake you up of course! And why is your room smell like...."

"Cum? Its because I masturbated last night and accidentally spilled my cum on the floor where you are standing."

"Yuck! Disgusting!" I took off my slippers and jumped on him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and clings to him like there's no tomorrow. "Yah! You're heavy, shortie!" He placed me on his bed. And damn! His bed is so comfortable.
I lied on the bed

"Yah! Get your ass off of my bed!" He exclaimed

"Nu uh! Your bed is so comfortable!!!"

He just scoffed and carried me bridal style. I whined "Noo!!! The beeeed!!"

We went downstairs while he is carrying me. Recently, he complained about how heavy I am.. Then how is he carrying me like I'm a damn feather?!

We went to the kitchen and saw them eating -_-. Namjoon and Jin hyung are feeding each other. While Hoseok and Jungkook are eating like a pig. We cleared our throat. They looked at us, shocked.

Jungkook dropped his chicken and Hoseok's Jaw dropped

Jin hyung choked and Namjoon broke his fork. "What the... Jimin???! Why are you carrying Yoongi?! And why are you topless you midget!" Jin came to him and smacked his head.

Jungkook stood up and scolded his hyung. "Wear a T-shirt you brat!" He shouted.

I smacked his chest. "U-uh... Put me down!" I commanded so he. Freaking. Dropped. Me. On. The. Floor!!!

"Ouch!!! My ass hurt!" I whined while holding my ass. I glared at him and stood up. I pointed my index finger to him. "You grumpy old grandpa!! My ass hurt because of you!" I exclaimed

"You told me a while ago to put you down so I did, shortie!"

"Well! Not in that way! You should've been more gentle to me! You freaking grumpy old grandpa that has a stinky freaking breath!" I shouted annoyed. And he covered his hands. "I forgot to brush my teeth! Fuck!"

All the boys laughed at our silliness.

"You're like cats and dogs! You're Always fighting!" Hoseok and Namjoon said.

To be continued....

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