The texts begin

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I walk outside to the courtyard and find my table. It's right in the center, this way you can always see what's going on. Shortly after I sit down Hannah comes, followed by Emily. Were really the only ones who sit at this table. We like to save seats for our boyfriends.... when we get them.

"Mrs. Rodgers gives so much homework", Hannah says. "I know, it's like she doesn't want us to have lives", Emily replies. "Right like I have other stuff to besides homework that takes 2 hours", I add. Just then my phone goes off. I hesitate but pick it up.

~Your scared of a little hoodie, wow grow up~ That's weird, I don't remember telling anyone about my dream.

"Mia, dude what's on that phone, you've been looking at it like it has a calculus problem on it", Emily said. "Oh no sorry, just a wrong number text". Both girls just look at me like I'm hiding something; which i guess I am.

Lunch is now over so the three of us head to our lockers. Our lockers are all next to each other which is fortunate for me because I always forget what I need for my class. It's also fortunate for me because we have all the same classes. Just as I shut my locker door I see Jason Mathews, who just happens to be the cutest boy in school. "Hey Mia, how's it going?" "Hey Jason it's going good, how 'bout you?" "Good, you wanna walk to math together?" "Ha ha sure", I say idioticaly. Jason starts to walk and the girls and I all silently cheer until Emily pushes me up to walk with him.                    

As soon as walk in the room my phone buzzes. Once again I hesitate but I grab it out of my pocket. There's another text message from that same weird number. ~Jason is mine so back off bitch~  Wow that was harsh. I wonder who would have sent that, I cant track the number because its private. It's probably just some kid pulling a stupid prank on me. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by the teacher miss Collins telling me to put my phone away. I do as she says and take my seat next to Jason, he smells so good. (Is that weird?)

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