The dream

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I'm on the subway. It's my first time and it's really quiet. I'm sitting in the back because there was only one seat available. All of a sudden the train stops. Everyone looks as confused as I feel. I don't understand why it stopped,were not at a stop. Then this guy stands up. No one seems to care but to me it seems suspicious. The guys is wearing all black and a hoodie. I don't have a problem with wearing black but this guy just seems creepy. He starts to walk towards me. Now I'm really creeped out. I think I should run but there's nowhere to go. All of a sudden there isn't a wall behind me, the train had extended somehow. I won't complain because the guy is getting closer and closer. I start to run. I don't understand how I'm running and he's walking, but he keeps catching up to me. I wish I could see his face. Then I'm at the end of the train. I expect the back to expand again. It doesn't. I have no where to go. The guy is getting closer and closer. I don't no why but I decided to crouch in a ball on the floor like it would help me. the man should be right next to me by now but I'm to scared to look. Then I hear someone calling my name. "Mia! Mia! Mia! get up!" then I'm awake. I am never going on a subway

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