Chapter 1

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"WISH I HAD a best friend as awesome as me."

My good friend stood in my private office doorway. Deep chocolate brown eyes twinkled with mischief, and a huge self-satisfied smile adorned her pretty face. It was a look I often saw when Mai Harvey was interfering in my non-existent love life. I was sure it was her favourite pastime. "What have you done now?"

"Just hooked you up with a meeting on level fifteen." Making her proud announcement, she tottered in on sky-high tangerine stilettos that added at least four inches to her five-foot frame, the skirt of her yellow fifties-style dress swishing as she moved. "You can thank me later."

"Shouldn't Michael attend that?"

"The sleazeball's been called elsewhere, so I volunteered you take his place."

Slipping off my glasses, I raised a disapproving brow. Michael Cole was the Finance Director and our inconsiderate boss. Married, mid-forties and slightly overweight, he had a roaming eye for the younger ladies.

"What," she moaned with a flick of long poker straight hair that matched her eyes, "he's pervy."

"He isn't that bad. I've never had any issues with him."

"You intimidate him. He knows he doesn't stand a chance, but thinks us less-blessed in the looks department are grateful for some attention."

Mai was half-Hawaiian, a sensual and exotic beauty who received more than her fair share of attention. According to my father, I was the quintessential English rose—creamy skin, large green eyes and caramel blonde hair with a natural wave that gave Mai serious hair envy.

"Anyway," she continued, hopping onto the corner of my desk and knocking over my photo, "level fifteen!"

"Is that supposed to mean something?" I returned the picture to its upright position. It had been taken in the garden of the family home in Oxfordshire six years ago on the day I moved out. A moment of great sadness for my parents, but great excitement for me.

"The top floor, Kara!" Mai clapped her hands and did a little wriggle in childlike excitement. "You might see him!"

"Ah, Blake," I said. She was referring to the founder and owner of RED, the leading brand management consultancy in North America, and the man we both worked for.

"Hell, yeah!" Mai swung her legs, all distant and love-struck. "You say you've sworn off men, but wait 'til you see him up close."

"He's that good?"

"Well, I sure as hell wouldn't kick him outta bed in a hurry."

"Are there many you would?" I shot back.

"I'm a happily engaged woman," she exclaimed, wafting her left hand in front of my face as a visual reminder. I pushed it away. Mai was engaged, but nowhere near as happy as when we first met. With an encouraging grin, she went on. "Remember that photo I showed you on the company website?"

I nodded. It had been Mai's warped way of persuading me to apply for my job. Wavy, dark chestnut hair, immaculately groomed back off an angular face, highlighted eyes the most vivid shade of electric blue. Corporate profile photos rarely made people look good. Except him. He looked sinfully good—not that I ever admitted that to Mai.

I'd seen him once, albeit from the rear across the marbled lobby one morning. Every female employee unashamedly lusted after him, and judging by the heavy flirting going on between him and the main receptionist, Blake was arrogant enough to know it and not afraid to take advantage of it.

Definitely not someone I should waste my time on.

"If he doesn't get you tingling between the legs you may as well turn lesbian," Mai stated emphatically, strolling back to the door.

Salvation (Heal Me Series Book 1) by Stephanie JohnWhere stories live. Discover now