Chapter 4

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WEARING BLACK TROUSERS and a white shirt, the top couple of buttons undone, he sat tucked away near the back wall staring right at me. The sight of him caused my heart rate to quicken and a storm of butterflies to flit around my stomach. He was even more glorious than I remembered.

Piercing blue eyes slid over me, seductively drinking me in, his lips slightly parted. In a drawn out action, his tongue licked over his upper lip before he dragged his eyes to meet mine.

It was so sexual. My sex clenched, heated desire running all over me. Nate Blake wanted me.

Naked. In his bed. Tonight.

Drawing every bit of strength I could muster to my now skewed intentions for the evening, I fixed a confident smile to my face and tried to refocus as I approached. Blake stood, squaring his shoulders, and ran a hand through his thick hair. It made me want to tease my own fingers through the glossy, luscious lengths.

"Kara," he murmured. How did he know my name? And how could he make it sound so provocative, like it meant so much more than a simple greeting? "It's a pleasure to see you again." He pulled out the other burgundy leather wingback chair, gesturing for me to sit down.

"Hello." I placed my bag beneath the drinks table, then sat and crossed my legs. Blake's eyes drifted hungrily to where my dress had ridden up my thighs. Damn. What had possessed me to wear a dress? I tried, unsuccessfully, to tug it back down. "How are you?"

"Getting better by the minute." He sat, angling his body towards mine. His face glowed with humour, eyes dancing with pleasure. "How about you? How was your day?"

"Distracting..." In fact, the entire work day had interfered with my building anticipation of this exact moment.

"Oh?" Blake tilted his head and pursed his lips, clearly confused by my response.

"Busy," I rushed out, trying to conceal my thoughts, "but good."

A light growth of trimmed stubble covered his strong jawline, and because he'd recently run a hand through it, a few strands of hair had fallen sexily over his forehead. It gave a slightly roguish edge to an otherwise well-groomed appearance.

"The wine list is impressive," he noted, offering me the menu. "Anything in particular you like?"

You. The word came unbidden to mind. "Red's fine, thanks," I flushed, without taking it from him.

Mischief swept across Blake's face. He caught the attention of a male server who came rushing over. "The 2002 Lonely Oak Cabernet, please."

The server nodded, glanced briefly at me, then stumbled on a chair leg as he made a hasty retreat to the bar. I winced sympathetically. The poor man could probably feel the pheromones emanating from Blake as much as I could.

Blake lounged back into his seat, amused. "You always have that effect on people?"

Me? "Do you?" I countered. "He was obviously intimidated by you. You're very disconcerting."

Blake looked puzzled as the server returned in record time. He was desperately trying to concentrate, flushing as red as the wine he poured with his trembling hand. I knew how he felt. I wanted to sit on my hands so Blake couldn't see them shaking.

Taking pity on him, I smiled and said, "Thank you." The server mumbled incoherently, placed a bowl of pistachio nuts on the table, then scurried away with a harried smile. I glanced at Blake. The index finger stroking rhythmically back and forth across his top lip as he watched me was very distracting.

"You intimidated him, not me. Not to mention the heads that turned when you passed the gentlemen at the bar." He calmly sipped his wine. "You're exquisite."

Salvation (Heal Me Series Book 1) by Stephanie JohnWhere stories live. Discover now