Chapter 2

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MY MOUTH FELL open, stunned by his words. "Dinner? You mean like a business dinner?"

"No." A small smiled teased his mouth as he kept his curious gaze upon me. "No business talk."

"A date?" Panicked, I pressed my fingers to my lips to prevent any more ridiculous presumptions from pouring out.

"That's what I'd call it, yes. Do they call it something different in England?" He still had that sexy half-smile tempting his mouth, whilst his eyes burnt into me expectantly. Somehow, I broke free from the inexplicable hold he was having over me, and took a much-needed gulp of what I sadly discovered was only sparkling water.

"Dating the boss isn't really my thing." Thank God my head was talking, gratefully overruling any irrational ideas my heart was having. Because, for a split second, I actually wanted to say yes.

"You don't work for me. Well, you're not directly beneath me. Which is unfortunate..."

The arrogance of his smirk made my skin bristle with irritation. I tried thinking of a smug response to his blatant innuendo. "You know what I mean," I muttered, failing miserably.

"We can do lunch if you'd prefer?" Blake stared at me with interest, like he found our conversation utterly fascinating.

I laughed and shook my head. "I don't think so." Drawing my eyes over fine, symmetrical features, I noticed his jaw working beneath the contours of his clean-shaven face. He rose to his feet and turned, giving a close up view of that arse. Jesus.

"It's only a date, not a proposal," he stressed, sauntering away. "We'd have a great time together. Wouldn't you agree?" When he reached his desk, he turned, and locked eyes with mine.

His words were arrogant, but the suggestive way he purred them made my skin flush. I wiped my damp palm down my thigh as X-rated images replayed in my mind. I couldn't ever recall being so turned on.

"I want to discover everything about you," he declared. "How do I make that happen?"

"Are you always so forward?"

"I don't play games." He started coming towards me with more than an alluring edge of confidence. "If somebody has something I want, or need, I'm prepared to make sacrifices in order to get it." What the hell was he sacrificing by coming after me so blatantly?

"And you think I have something? Why, exactly?" I raised a brow, challenging him to come up with something more inventive than breasts and a vagina.

Blake shrugged noncommittally, stopping just short of where I sat. "Something in your remarkable eyes tells me you could be good for me."

I lowered my gaze, crossing my legs. The roguish glint in his eyes told me he'd be really bad for me. "Well, I'm not interested."

"I think you are, Miss Collins."

His overconfidence was fully justified. I had to end this somehow, but the force of his will had knocked any coherent thought from my brain. I stood, and sidestepped towards the door. It happened at precisely the same time he moved around the sofa.

Standing not two feet in front of me, one hand tucked casually into his trouser pocket, Blake asked, "What do you say?" in that muted, sexy tone.

Sexual attraction charged the air between us, the draw towards him stronger than anything I'd experienced before. I dragged all the air I could into my lungs, my heart racing in my chest. Whilst extremely tempted, I wasn't about to back down anytime soon. This situation was a disaster waiting to happen.

"Thank you, but I don't think it wise to mix business with pleasure." I rushed to the door, desperate to get out.

"You're saying no?" he scoffed behind me.

Salvation (Heal Me Series Book 1) by Stephanie JohnWhere stories live. Discover now