Chapter 5

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I STROKED MY cheek, recalling the stubble that briefly grazed my now flushed skin. I sighed heavily, clutching my bag to my chest. I wanted to feel that stubble with my fingers, my lips. Hoping to relieve the pressure at the top of my thighs, I pressed them together. I wanted to feel it there, too.

The way Blake undressed me with his eyes when I arrived? I'd seen that enough times before to know it meant I want to fuck you. I'd expected him to pursue me far more aggressively than he did, and now, his easy going approach had thrown me. If he wanted me in his bed, it didn't make sense to let me leave with a cursory kiss on the cheek. Talk about sending out mixed messages.

I was just as guilty. Pleased with the assertiveness I showed in the bar, I'd succeeded in telling him we were never going to happen, albeit more directly than planned. One look outside the bar later, and all my bravado had been blown apart.

My mobile chimed with an incoming message. I fumbled in my bag until I located it. It was from Mai:  HAS HE ROCKED UR WORLD YET ;-) 

Even she assumed we'd end up fucking. I sent a quick reply: NO then tossed my phone into my bag.

After analysing everything far too many times, I climbed into bed, mentally drained. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate to ignore how I could still feel Nate's lips on my face, his scent on my skin even though I'd showered. He was everything I wasn't, and could have any woman he wanted. It was baffling to think he wanted me. A shy girl, all too accustomed to her flaws and failings in life, and a far cry from the stunning women he undoubtedly attracted with his lifestyle.

Yes, the sexual chemistry was there, a strong, powerful attraction, the extent of which I've never experienced before. But Nate was wrong for me. He couldn't give me the emotional commitment necessary with sex.

With the sheet high around my neck, I snuggled into the pillows, certain I wouldn't hear from him again. He'd gone home alone, or at least, not with me. It wouldn't be a surprise if he'd picked up one of the eager women ogling him outside. I doubt I made as big an impression on him as he had me.

ARRIVING at my desk the next morning after a long taxi drive in, I found my usual strong skinny cappuccino waiting for me. After tucking my belongings beneath the desk, I sat, dragging the mug towards me. Craving the hit of caffeine, I took a long savouring gulp.

Whilst the PC came to life, I watched my colleagues arrive through the internal windows, mentally preparing for another day at work and the inevitable inquisition I'd endure from Mai. As if on cue, she appeared in my line of sight, waving eagerly. I groaned inwardly as she headed towards me.

"You're pissed off. What did he do?" Mai dropped into the chair opposite, all concerned and worried.

"Nothing," I sighed.

"What do you mean nothing? Did you blow him off," she asked, crossing her legs and grinning, "or just blow him?"

"Seriously?" I cried, scrunching my face. Mai always had to lower the tone.

"What? I'm bummed I couldn't give you a ride this morning, 'cause something happened between you two." Scooping her hair to one side, she sat forward. "Blake screams sex. No woman could be immune to him. One look from him and—bang, ovaries destroyed." Over-dramatically, she fanned her face, like the temperature in the room had increased significantly.

"That makes no sense whatsoever." If that were true, I was never having children. That stare he'd fired at me when I walked into the bar made sure of that. I sank into the chair with my cup cradled in both hands. "Actually, he was nice."

Salvation (Heal Me Series Book 1) by Stephanie JohnWhere stories live. Discover now