Chapter 3

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I BARELY MADE it to my office before Michael offloaded an enormous pile of data onto me Wednesday morning. Dread filled my stomach when I saw precisely how much information I had to plough through, so I took a minute to savour my skinny cappuccino before getting started.

My head was thick thanks to the few hours' sleep I'd managed last night. Fantasy mixed with actual events as the embodiment of everything male, currently residing on the fifteenth floor, took the starring role in my vividly realistic dreams. I'd tossed and turned well until the early hours of this morning. Now, my limbs were weary, as though the explicit scenes that took place whilst asleep had actually happened.

Add to it the shocking orgasm I had in the shower, and it was no surprise I'd barely slept a wink. The fact I masturbated thinking of Blake confused the hell out of me. Why was I thinking of him that way? Intense blue eyes haunted me as skilful hands touched and caressed me. Even recalling the melodious, rhythmic flow of his voice had brought me to an explosive climax.

I managed to put all disruptive thoughts aside and focus on my work. By lunchtime, I was ready for my meeting with Michael. As I passed Mai's desk on my way to Michael's office, she held up her hand. "Please hold," she said into her headset, then pressed a button to silence the caller. Her eyes twinkled. "This one's for you, K."

"Can you take a message? I'll call them back."

"Think you should take it now," she smirked. Then she mouthed, "It's Mr. Blake," and wiggled her eyebrows.


I'd half-expected him to get in touch again, but not so soon. I hadn't recovered from yesterday's encounter and wasn't sure I could handle being confronted with him again. "Tell him I'm in a meeting." I began edging away.

"Too late. Already said you're here," Mai called after me, halting me in my tracks. Sighing in resignation, I turned back towards my office.

"You owe me." I glared at her as she gleefully put the call through.

I let the phone ring a few times whilst I took some calming breaths.

"Are you hungry for me now, Miss Collins?" Blake asked smoothly before I could utter a word. That hint of a whisper in his voice made my stomach flurry wildly. I leant my hip to the desk to keep me steady.

"Dining alone not much fun, Mr. Blake?" I teased, recalling my own experience in the shower.

The velvety rasp of his laugh travelled straight through me to the spot at the top of my thighs. "I'm sure you'd agree, it's so much better when another person is involved."

My mouth went dry. It was plainly obvious he wasn't talking about eating either. Blake apparently wasn't used to rejection and was coming back for another shot. I sipped some water, smiling at his tenacity. "Last time I checked, you were still the boss."

His sigh was audible. "Listen, I don't normally do this. In fact, I never do. But, I want to take you to dinner. And to clarify, I'm not actually your boss."

"Well, actually, you are. You own the company."

"Well, actually, you're right. But, we're all simply people at the end of the day." There was a slight pause and a hint of humour when he added, "And everybody has to eat sometime."

Hmm, he would say that. Blake was ruler of his empire, answerable to no one. "I don't think dinner would be appropriate."

"So suggest something else instead."

I breathed a sigh, quietly flattered by his persistence. Obviously someone of his position wasn't going to give up easily. I recalled the insane way my body reacted to his touch, making the idea of us going to dinner dangerous for my health. I knew it might lead to other things.

Salvation (Heal Me Series Book 1) by Stephanie JohnWhere stories live. Discover now