Telling your family about self harm

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Now this isn't really something I've done myself because my school sort of did it for me, not by choice it's just I was under 16 at the time and they had to legally tell my parents that I was doing it. Thank fuck they found out though because that got me into the treatment that I needed and because it I'm slowly getting better. But despite not telling my parents I know what they would have wanted if I had told them, which they wish I did.

Find a day when it's quiet and no ones running around organising things and taking people to football or ballet practise or whatever.

Ask them if they're busy because you want to have a serious chat with them

Take them through to the lounge or your bedroom or theirs or anywhere that's comfy for you

Just sit them down and tell them that you're telling them this because you trust them, and you want them to trust you, you don't want this to lower their trust in you and that you've been going through a rough time lately and you've been self harming.

Never forget to remind them it isn't their fault, many parents automatically think that it must be their fault but it normally isn't.

Just hug them and reassure them that you would like to get some professional help and you would like your parents to support you

They'll probably ask to see them so don't be worried or scared, they just want to see how much damage you've done and wether you need to see an emergency doctor.

Remember that even if they seem angry frightened or shocked it will be because they love you and they can't bear to see their child hurt or upset. As parents all they want to do is make sure you're okay and their upset because they don't know what to do. Give it a few days and they'll be much calmer about it all.

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