Chapter Twenty-Two: SOUND! SOUND THE ALARM!

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(I should REEEALLLY stop with the puns....)

Soundwave's Profile: 

     I shifted closer to where Starscream was. I want a hug! You've been gone too long! I cracked open my optics. My spark stopped. Starscream wasn't there. I felt in our sibling bond a wall, like something was keeping us apart instead of it just being closed. I jumped out of my berth and ran to my father's room. Where could he be? Where could he be?!

Starscream's Profile: 

    Surprisingly you CAN get bored when kidnapped by Unicron. I eventually got out of the ever so comfortable berth and opened the door of my room. Unicron didn't say I COULDN'T go out, but the Primes kinda of scared me. I mean, 13 ALL POWERFUL TEENAGERS(I think they're teens...) WHO COULD CRUSH ME AT ANY SECOND RIGHT OUT MY DOOR would scare practically anyone. 

     I took a step outside, then another, and another soon I was in Unicron's throne room where six...Primes...were. One I recognized as Solus which comforted me, another as Megatronus which scared me, another as Vector which TERRIFIED me, another as Micronus which didn't bother me, another as Onyx which made me want to scream for my dad, and finally Maximo who didn't scare me at all. He seemed kinda of cool. 

        However, before I could do anything, the Primes all turned around and stared at me. I raced out of the room in hopes of getting away only to run into the path of Prima. Well, I'm pretty sure I was against the rules and Prima is well known to love rules. Which was proven when Prima tackled me, put me in an arm lock, and forced me back into the Throne Room. Luckily for me, or unluckily, Unicron himself just entered the room. He looked shocked to see me then seemed to look at all the exits. 

         " Dad...." Prima's voice threatened. 

          "'s your day been?" Unicron laughed nervously. 

Soundwave's Profile:

           " HE'S GONE?!" My dad cried out in worry. 

              He then felt through both our bonds and froze. " Dark energon." Dad whispered. 

             I had a bad feeling what he meant. Sometimes Transformers have been kidnapped by the Two Brothers or the Primes for unknown reasons. They sometimes returned and sometimes didn't. 

              " Unicron..?" I whispered.

               " I hope not. I will look into this. Stay calm and stay here, oh and keep the bond open." Dad then left the room but not before giving me a giant hug.

               " Just when everything was back to normal." I sobbed out.

CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next chapter! Stay Cool and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌️

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