Chapter 4

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Tony, after finding out he didn't have to go to school, immediately suggested a Netflix marathon. It was supposed to be Gwen's turn to pick the show but since she was busy sleeping in all day, it was Tony's turn to choose.

"Okay guys, what should I pick? Hmm, this is a tough decision..." He fake-wondered to the group once they were all settled in with their snacks. He was standing on the coffee table as if giving a dramatic speech.

"How about Coco?" Harry suggested from his spot on the floor. Flash and Peter agreed.

"Good choice, good choice, but I have something better." Tony said dramatically, jumping down from the table and almost falling over. He grabbed the remote from Peter's hand and scrolled through the shows until he found what he was looking for.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Pressing play, he went to sit in his spot on the couch and found, much to his dismay, the snack supply taking up his space.

"First of all, rude. Where am I supposed to sit?" He scoffed. Flash pointed lazily at the beanbag that nobody ever sat in except Tony's friends the few times they had come over. Nevertheless, Tony crossed his arms and let himself fall backwards into the beanbag. It was surprisingly comfortable but he continued to act annoyed anyways.

They stayed watching the show all day, pausing once for a lunch break. The exhaustion of the past few days starts to catch up to Tony, though, and he soon falls asleep in the beanbag, dropping his bag of m&m's onto the floor. At some point, somebody covers him with a blanket and the show switches to The Office because everyone was tired of watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine for the hundredth time.

When Tony wakes up, he sees everyone else asleep, the TV displaying the "are you still watching?" message.

"Wait, what the fuck..?" Tony whispers to himself, noticing Peter and Ned on the floor, cuddling close to each other while fast asleep. Tony took his phone out of his pocket to take a picture for blackmail purposes.

But first, he had a text. Well, multiple, but only one stood out to him.

From Dad
You're never allowed back :)
It's been great without you

And that's when the reality of the entire situation hit. Forgetting about the slightly adorable picture he meant to take, Tony started to cry.

[A/N: :( somebody hug tony]

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