Chapter 7

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     The next morning, Tony got ready for school. He even woke up early enough to shower, which took way more effort than it should have. He put on a clean hoodie and jeans and his galaxy converse shoes, which were all scuffed up but he didn't mind.

     He went to the kitchen and found Peter attempting to cook pancakes.

     "Oh hey, kid! I-I have pancakes! They're a little burnt, but they- they're good!" He said, grinning. Tony shrugged and grabbed a plate, holding it out to Peter, who slid two pancakes onto it with the spatula. Tony grabbed the syrup and sat down, drowning his pancakes in the maple juice.

     The pancakes weren't good. Peter forgot salt, so they were terrible, to say the least. Mostly flavorless, but the syrup helped. Tony pretended they were good anyways, using a Canadian level of politeness when Peter asked how the pancakes tasted.

     "Well, time for school I guess. I'll see you later, Mr. Parker!" Tony exclaimed suddenly after looking at the giant hologram clock that Peter kept in the kitchen for some reason. He ran out of the room just as Peter finished cringing from the overly loud goodbye.

     He took the elevator down and waved at Briar the security guy on his way out. He ran out the front door and jumped down the few stairs outside the door, landing perfectly and running down the street.

     It didn't take him long to get to school. He was a fast runner and his stamina was high so he didn't have to stop at all. Not to mention that he loved to run, loved feeling the wind hitting his face as his feet hit the ground, sending a shock through his feet each time because his converse weren't meant for running. He skidded to a stop in front of the school and walked in, weaving through the crowd where 99% of people were taller than him.

     He got to his locker and opened it, grabbing his notebook and his math and science textbooks. He readjusted the mirror that was magnetically stuck to the locker door and looked into it. It looked like he hadn't slept in a week. With a sigh, he closed his locker and turned around.

     He was immediately tackled into a hug by one of his best friends, causing him to stumble and almost drop his stuff. Steve let go and grinned at him.

     "Tony, you're back! Where were you, we were all worried! Especially Bruce, he was freaking out." He said, suddenly serious. Tony laughed a bit. Bruce was usually super calm, so if he was freaking out that was a big thing.

     "C'mon, school doesn't start for like 20 minutes. You can meet the new kid!" Steve said, and they made their way to their homeroom. People tended to move out of the way of Steve because he was taller and stronger than average, which made people feel intimidated even though Steve was basically a golden retriever personified.

     In homeroom they sat at their usual cluster of desks, except this time the consistently empty seat was filled.

     A small boy with short, messy black hair was sitting next to Thor. He was wearing a knitted green sweater and was fiddling with his hands quietly.

     "Ah, Tony has returned! Tony, you have to meet my little bro. Say hi, Loki!" Thor exclaimed. Loki looked up from his hands and smiled at Tony.

     "Hi! I'm Loki. Um... Nice to meet you?" He mumbled. Tony smiled back. Loki seemed... off. Something about him felt wrong, like he was different from everyone else in some unseen way. Thor was always a bit off too, but in a different way. He was just a bit weird, Loki seemed almost surreal to be around.

     Not like it mattered to Tony. This just meant he could vaguepost about his weird new friend who was probably in the Illuminati or something.

     Homeroom went by quickly. And then his first class was boring. And the next one, and so on. The work was all too easy. Soon it was lunchtime, time to hang out with his friends for the first time in a while.

     The group always walked through the hall in a big clump, Steve at the front because everyone cleared out of his way. Tony noticed how people gave Loki weird looks or just instinctively avoided him. Weird, but okay. Could just be a dumb joke, but that didn't seem likely because Loki seemed genuinely upset by it.

     Lunch was too fast. They barely got the chance to talk before the bell rang and they had to go back to The Daily Grind™. The classes went by fast too, and soon it was the end of the day.

     Tony walked out of the school, feeling significantly better than he had before he came back to school. His happiness was interrupted, however, when he saw who was waiting for him outside of the school.


[A/N: i'm not dead my mental health just got really shitty for a while and i had to take a break]

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