Chapter 5

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There she stood trying to process everything. It wasn't Laura at the door, the police at her door asking her for her name. Something happened, something bad.

"Mrs, are you Gabrielle Mendoza", the officer asked.

"Yes I am", she could barely say.

The two officers looked at each other with simpathetic looks.

"What happened, am I in trouble?",she asked.

"No, but were her because um....your mother Laura has been in an accident and", the continued talking.

As soon as she heard those words she couldn't focus on any more. Her heart stopped and she felt her self get dizzy, and she lost her balance.

"Mrs are you ok", one asked as he caught her.

"Is sh-he dead?",she could barely say because of the sob.

"She's in pretty bad shape, I'm so sorry. But you need to come with us to the hospital", the other officer said.

This couldn't be happening, she couldn't lose her mom, she was her only family. The one who has never dissapointed her and always believed in her. She couldn't leave her now.

"Please take me to her now!!!", she pleaded.

Gabrielle raned up stairs got a jacket and shoes, almost stumbling over everything her heart was beating really fast, she couldn't think straight.

Then she left on the police car. Her eyes filled with tears, she tried controlling her self, she didn't want to cry infront of them.

When they got to the hospital, she raned inside and went to the front desk.

"May I help you?", the lady looked at her with her eyes wide.

"Ye-es um I'm looking for Laura Mendoza".

The two officers where behind her.

"She's in room 218", she looked at her with a simpathetic look.

She ran to the elevator.

"Gabrielle you need to remain calm", one of them said.

Is he for real, how could she be calm.
But no words formed in her mouth.

The elevator's doors opened, and as she got closer to the room her heart beats got faster.

Then she saw her throught the window and everything stopped. She was in the bed all bruised, her eyes were closed, she was also connected to oxigen. Inside there were two doctors checking up on her.

Gabrielle went inside, the doctors looked at her.

"Are you her daughter?", the female doctor asked.

She nodded. She couldn't talk, because she felt a giant lump on her throat and the tears that started falling at the sight of her mom.

"Is sh-e going to survive?", she managed to say.

The doctors looked at each other sadly.

"Please sit down",he motioned to the little couch in the room. She sat down. He sighed. "Your mother was in a car crash, and unfortunately she recieved a big inpact in her spinal cord and also a hit on her head. She's now in a coma".

Gabrielle broke down in tears, this couldn't be happening.
She stood up and went to the bed where she laid. She didn't deserve this.

"She's not going to wake up is she?", she asked quietly.

"No she won't, she has brain stem death...", the doctor continued talking but Gabrielle couldn't hear her.

Her mind went blank, she could think it was like time stopped.

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