Chapter 7

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The present....

"Please don't go...", he said as Gabrielle started to let go.

Her heart skipped a beat and now there was no way she was letting him go.

Even though he was a stranger it felt right, you both needed someone at that very moment.


Gabrielle had no idea who this boy was, but one thing she knew for sure was that he was hurting just as much as her.

Then there was those hazel eyes he had, those hazel eyes....
Yes blue and green eyes were beautiful, but there was something about his eyes that captured her attention.

All of a sudden the wind got colder and a thunder broke the silence, making the two of them to break from the embrace.

Both of them stared at each other.

His beautiful features were filled with pain and his eyes held so much pain. Yet he didn't say a word.

So she decided to.

"I think we um... should go, unless we want to get struck by lighting".

He kept looking at her in silence, Gabrielle started to get nervous. Stupid isn't it, she was hugging this boy minutes ago without knowing him and now she was nervous.

Another loud thunder filled the air, making her jump.
She then heard a chuckle and she looked at him, he had a small smile. She felt her face heat up with embarresment.

"You're right", the boy said. "It's going to rain again", he said looking at the sky.

She was a little taken back.

"Yeah, I um.. live near by, so I guess I'll go..", she said.

She started walking away embarrassed, how stupid was that.

"Wait", she stopped walking her heart beating fast. "Y-Yes", she slowly turned around.

He walked over to her, Gabrielle's heart started to beat faster.

"I just wanted to say thank you..for um... staying even though I'm a stranger", he scrached the back of his neck and gave her a small smile.

"You're welcome, I actually needed that hug too, so thank you too", she smiled back.

They looked at each other, silence filling the air again.

"I'm sorry", she said with tears filling her eyes.
"I'm sorry too", he said a tear falling from his beautiful eyes.

They were breaking down again.

"I have to go", she turned around walking away quickly.

"Wait one more thing", she stopped but didn't turn around. "What's your name?".

She took a deep breath. "Gabrielle", she managed to say. "Yours?".


"Bye Alec", she said.

"Bye Gabrielle", he whispered back at her.


Her thoughts were driving her crazy, when she closed her eyes she saw her mom laying on the hospital bed lifeless. How was she supposed to ever sleep with that horrible image burning on the back of her head?

There were so many things she should've told her mom, things she wanted to do with her and now she was gone, she is never coming back. Gabrielle didn't want to accept it, but had to sooner or later.

Everyone kept telling her how sorry the were, how good of a person her mom was. But none of them really understood, the got to go home to their family, she got to go back to an empty house.

She was greatful she had Aaron and Vincent and their family's, wich had always been their for her. All of them are constanly checking up on her, bringing her food and staying with her. It warmed her heart knowing they cared about her, they made it hurt a little less.

The other thing she couldn't get out of her mind was Alec.
She wanted to know about him, how was he. Gabrielle was embarrassed for leaving like that, maybe their paths will cross again sometime.

Not taking it anymore Gabrielle decides to get out of the house, even though is past midnight.

Changing in to jeans and a hoodie, taking her phone she goes outside, locks the door and starts walking. Not knowing exactly where to go.

The night was cold and windy, the full moon lighted her way.  Looking at the moon a sad smile formed on her face and  her mind went to when she was little.



11 years ago....

Gabrielle couldn't sleep, the room was very dark she got scared. She took the flashlight next to her and ran to her mom's room.

"Mamita", she shook Laura with her small hands.

Laura got up alarmed as Gabrielle pointed her flashlight at her.

"Gabrielle are you okay?!", she asked worried turning away from her face the flashlight that was practically blinding her.

"I can't sleep", she looked down.

Laura looked at the clock in her room it read 1:30 a.m. , she sighed getting up taking a blanket. She takes Gabrielle in her arms and goes downstairs.

"Where are we going?", Gabrielle asks curiously.

"Where going to watch the moon and count the stars, until you get sleepy", they went outside and sat on the hammock.

Gabrielle looked amazed at the dark sky filled with stars.
A shooting star appeared.

"Look mamita a shooting star!", she said exited.

"I know", she says sweetly wrapping the blanket around them.

"It's so beautiful!", she looks at Laura smiling. Laura smiles back at the biggest joy in her life. "Beautiful just like you, never forget that Gabrielle", Gabrielle hugs Laura.

"I love you mamita, do you love me?", she looks at Laura in the eyes worried.

"Of course I love you my little ray of sunshine. Never forget this either", she kisses the top of Gabrielle's head. "Now let's count the stars".

End of flashback.

"Never forget that", Gabrielle whispered to herself sadly. Her hand went to her necklace in the shape of a moon, Laura gaved her a few days after that night.

Since little she felt the need to reassured of being loved. Since her own actual parents didn't, it was sometimes hard believing others did love her. She used to ask Laura a lot if she loved her and she always answered her sweetly that she did.

Gabrielle ended up at the little park where she used to go with Aaron and Vincent when they were kids. She smiled remembering Vince and Aaron fighting over the swings about who was her bestfriend. Laura would always say to her that, one day one of them would end up falling for her. She would always laugh at those words.

Sitting down on a bench she looked up again at the beautiful moon. She starded crying her heart aching, Gabrielle has felt lonely before but tonight she felt it more than ever.

Will this feeling ever go away?

It was a question it would be anwered soon.

Other than the wind blowing softly through the trees, it was Gabrielle soft cries that filled the air.

"Gabrielle?", a concerned voice filled the silence.

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