Chapter 10

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Alec's (POV)

His life was turned upside down. The stress was getting to much to handle.

He had now two big priorities, Mason and Tyler, it wasn't easy. He had to be strong for them, but it was almost impossible.

Every day he had to try and make the twins happy. Almost every night they would wake up looking for their parents. And he had the job to calm them down and find a way to tell them that from now on, it was just them. But how can two three year olds understand? All they need is their parents, but that didn't existed anymore for them. And his heart broke everytime he had to do that. But again he has to be strong for them.

After everything, Alec had to change his routine completely. He had to move back into the house, change the days he went to the university, learn everything about the twins. All this meant sleeping less and waking up early but this was his life now, and he has to adjust.


Today his aunt is staying with the twins, she wanted him to go out and get some "fresh air", he really didn't feel like going anywhere. But then decided to go anyways, maybe he's aunt is right afterall.

After driving around for a while, Alec decided to go to his secret spot. There's a park right outside of the town, behind some trees his dad and him builded a tree house. They would go there a lot when he was a kid, there were a lot of good memories in that place.

He climbed the tree and sat, looking around he was sorounded by trees and by the sound of birds chirping and flying around. And for the first time in weeks he felt a little bit of peace in his heart.

Laying on his back, he closed his eyes and Gabrielle came to his mind. A small smile found is face at the thought of her.


She camed out of nowhere, but he felt so lonely he needed someone to hold him. So he pulled her in and hugged her tightly, she was a complete stranger but she was hurting too. There are no words to describe the feeling he got when she hugged back.

It was raining, he was soaked, the weather was cold. But there in her arms he felt warm.

When she started to let go, it felt like she was ripping his heart out, it felt like she was the air giving him life, and without her he would die.

So he whispered to her, "Please don't go". Imagine his suprise when she didn't, after all he was a stranger to her. But everything felt so right.

When they broke up from the embrace, he go to see her better, she was beautiful. Yet she looked so broken and full of pain. He wanted to hold her again and make it all go away.

But they had to go, if they didn't want to die from getting strucked by lightning.

She was walking away and he remembered he didn't knew her name.

"Wait one more thing", she stopped but didn't turn around. "What's your name?", he asked praying she would answer.

She took a deep breath. "Gabrielle", she managed to say. "Yours?".


"Bye Alec", she said.

With that she walked away and dissapeared.

"Gabrielle", he whispered to himself.

Flashback Ends

Gabrielle, the name was stuck in his head. It wasn't a common name but he liked it.

All of a sudden he got idea.

He needed to find her, he had to know if she was okay.

Alec climbed down the tree house and got in his car. It was a long shot but he had to try.

To be continued.....

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