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I had just finished putting out the chips and dip when the doorbell rang, breaking me out of my daze. Opening the door, I saw my best friends Emily and Ivy. Emily was a tall blond who absolutely loved to do exciting things and explore unknown places, while Ivy was short and somewhat closed off and shy.

"Lucy, are you ready for the sleepover of a lifetime?" Emily basicially squealed in my ear after walking through the open doorway.

"Of course I am," I respponded. My parents were our of town, which means we can do whatever our little hearts desired. My mom and dad didn't always trust me to be home alone, but a work emergency required them both to suddenly leave the city, which allowed me to invite some of my friends over.


After gossipping for a few hours about random things and drinking quite a bit of alcohol, we decided to invite some more people over. Only a couple of guys, all of whom we tend to regularly hang out with.

I heard a knock coming from my front door, and when I stood up to open it, I saw the boys come in. Eli was first, the obvious alpha male out of the three of them. He never failed to make my heart race, and tonight was no exception. The white t-shirt he had on only made his abs stand out, and the jeans made his ass good enough to eat.

Then came in Riley, the overall douche of the trio. His gelled back hair only added to the idea that he wasn't my type. I preferred more of a sexily confident than a cocky type of guy.

Lastly, Johnathan came through my doorway. I had never really noticed him that much, since he tended to be more guarded than the rest of his friends.

I invited them all down into my basement, otherwise known as my bedroom.

My parents had remodeled the house a few years back, which allowed me to have the whole open basement to myself. I had my bed and desk in one corner, and a TV sitting area in another corner. my closet was the only part of the room that was closed off, as well as the bathroom. I also had a pool table which I only used when I had friends over.

The room was painted a soft baby pink, which gave it a sense of innocence to it. I didn't typically view myself as innocent, but if it helps me trick my parents into thinking their baby girl is still a goodie two shoes, then I can deal with it.

The boys joined us on the large L- shaped couch in front of the TV, and Emily exclaimed we should all take a shot of tequila to relax a little bit.

Once the strong tasting liquid slid its way down my throat, I immedietely felt some of my inhibitions slip away.

The movie we decided to watch was called Finding Nemo, and halfway through, we all got slightly bored since each of us had already seen it a million times.

Then, Eli made a suggestion none of us could refuse.

"Hey guys, why don't we play truth or dare?"

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