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Riley was the first to respond. "Yeah totally dude, but we should up the odds a little bit too just so no one chickens out."

I was wondering what they meant by that, and when asked, both Eli and Riley had a smirk appear on their faces.

"Well, sweetheart, that means that for every truth you don't answer, you have to complete a dare that could potentially be worse, and for every dare you don't complete, you have to be blindfolded while only in your undergarmets, and everyone else can do whatever they want for three minutes each to your unsuspecting body."

"Okay, sounds good," Emily responded, the alcohol definitely making an impact on her choice to answer.

"How will we decide who goes first?" I heard myself somewhat stupidly ask.

"How about once you complete a dare or truth, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on is that person's turn."

"Okay, I'll start." Riley says.

The bottle makes its way around in a circle on the ground, pointing at each of us individually until it slows down and lands on Ivy.

"Ivy, truth or dare?"

"Uhm, I choose truth," she says matter-o-factly.

"Okay, do you masturbate? And if so, when's the last time you did?"

Ivy's face goes red from the question she's required to answer. I would expect her to chicken out and not answer his question, however she surprises all of us with her answer.

"Yes I do... And the last time I did was two days ago."

I hear a whistle from what appears to be Riley, which doesn't surprise me, given it was his question.

Once Ivy spins the bottle, it lands on me.

"Lucy, truth or dare?"

I decide to not be a pussy, and so I answer dare.

"I dare you to make out with Emily for one whole minute. I can set the timer."

Her dare surprises me, since I don't typically think she's that into games like this, but I don't want to disappoint everyone by not completing the dare on only the second round.

I stand up and slowly make my way over to Emily, who is sitting on the opposite side of the circle from me smirking. Her and I had already fooled around a little bit when we were younger, so this technically wasn't anything new. No one else knew that, however.

I straddle her hips with my own and slowly leave open mouthed kisses on the side of her neck.

"Let's make this something they won't forget," I whisper in her ear, just quiet enough where the other people in the room can't hear it.

I hear her hum in agreement, and so I decide to continue on with the show I have planned.

My arms snake their way around her neck, and my mouth collides with her own. Emily slides her hands to my ass, pinning my crotch to her own, and slowly rubbing me against her.

Our tongues explore each other's mouths, and I can feel my panties get damp just from making out with her.

Once I'm grinding against her without her helping me, her fingers weave their way into my golden hair, slightly pulling. Emily knows that it turns me on to have my hair pulled on, even if it's just lightly.

Emily and I are both really enjoying ourselves from the kiss, but then a loud beeping noise brings us both back to reality.

"Okay guys, as hot as that is, a minute is up," I hear Johnathan's voice through the fog of such an incredible kiss.

I can feel how my face is extremely flushed as I make my way back to my spot on the circle.

When I check out how the rest of my friends are doing, each of the guys has a noticiable bulge in his jeans, and it seems as though Ivy is slightly embarrases from how red her face is. I smirk at the fact how two girls can work everyone up so badly.

I spin the bottle and it lands on Eli.

"Truth or dare, Eli?"

"I choose truth."

"Who would you most like to fuck out of evryone here?" The words fly out of my mouth before I can completely comprehend what it is I'm asking.

"Well, Lucy, the answer to that question is I would most like to fuck your sweet little pussy."

His words shock me. I didn't think he would answer with me, and I definitely didn't expect it to turn me on more than I already was from my steamy makeout session with one of my best friends.

"Oh, uhh okay, your turn to spin the bottle now" I answer, at a loss for words.


The game continued on for quite a while. I got a few more dares, but none of them were quite like the first couple of dares in the game.

Everyone in the circle had made out with at least one other person, sometimes even more than one person.

When Emily spun the bottle and it landed on me, I knew I was in for a treat.

"Truth or dare, Lucy?"

"I choose dare. I'm not a pussy."

Emily's smirk widened at my words. Before I could even regret my words, she told her dare.

Truth or Dare- 18+Where stories live. Discover now