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After a few moments of hushed speaking, I feel two warm hands bring my arms behind my back to hold them there so I can't move or squirm.

Soon enough, I feel cool lips caress my left shoulder blade. The cool combats the warmth flooding through my entire body.

The lips move down to my breasts, adminstering a light sucking feeling followed by a more intense feeling, which is sure to leave a few marks. I feel my hips being carressed by feminine fingers, slowly moving their way down to my soaking pussy.

Ivy's lips then cover my bra clad nipple, making my body involuntarily arch into her.

Ivy's fingers make their way down to cup my mound, yet they don't put any pressure on the area where I need it the most.

All of the sensations I'm currently feeling make a gargled moan escape my mouth. I hear a few chuckles at how needy I'm acting because of this punishment.

The, all of a sudden, the stupid alarm went off, which meant the end of Ivy's turn.

"Next is Emily's turn, and she has a special surprise with her"

The timer is restarted, and I can hear Emily making her way to me. Her fingers lightly rub my clit through my lace thong, and I moan out from the direct contact.

Her chuckle rings out in my ears, then my panties slide down my ligs, and I'm instructed to step out of them. My bra is also removed, which means my nipples are out on display and I'm comletely naked.

They can see how turned on I am simply because of how my nipples resemble daggers with how sharp they currently are.

Emily continues to rub my swollen cunt, and my legs inevitably start to shake. She can feel how wet the past few minutes has made me, and I can hear her chuckle evily.

"My, my, my, we have a naughtly slut here don't we? You love getting your pussy rubbed by my fingers, huh?"

Right as she says the word huh, one long finger enters my aching cunt, immedietely hitting my g-spot. Because of all the stimulation I've recieved, that small little movement makes my whole body tense up and I get pushed over the edge of my first orgasm of the night.

My cunt pulses around her digit still inside of me, and as I come down from my high, Emily is being congratulated by everyone on how she made me cum with very little work.

Her next words make my heart skip a beat, however.

"Oh, and Lucy, you may want to find a better place for hiding your vibrator than in your bedside table. But, since there are no rules to what I'm allowed and not allowed to use in this game, it definitely makes my turn much more fun for me."

Fuck. Shit. Crap.

I completely forgot that I left them in my top drawer yesterday, but oh well, not much I can do now about it.

Truth or Dare- 18+Where stories live. Discover now