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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2: Gravity Falls.

«────« ⋅ʚ. ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛᴏʀ .ɞ⋅ »────»

Gravity Falls just by looking at it was a basic town with unique people that made Dipper feel better about himself, knowing that he wasn't a freak.

Most people actually were intrigued by his oddness and Mabel of course tried to out weird Dipper by acting bizarre when Dipper knew that she was a prissy princess.

Dipper also knew that her behavior wasn't and isn't her fault because their mother programed her to act and behave in such a terrible manner. Dipper just stood back and just smiled in the background as she was the glittering metaphorical belle of the ball, soaking in peoples praises on how happy and sweet she was when in actuality she wasn't.

Dipper knew Mabel would never be satisfied because their mother had spoiled her and only paid attention to her when she was acting like a prissy brat and that caused her to be empty inside and having to fake all her emotions along with diving into her own fantasy world where if she wanted something she'd have it, it wasn't too far off from what their lives were like.

Dipper was the opposite in comparison with how he values all his possessions which were his clothes, hat and his soft ash brown teddy bear with a bow tie that was crimson red that faded into gold.

For some reason Dipper was always attached to the bear, like a faded memory that refused to come to the surface, that reminded him of a better warmer fuzzier time. But he felt content with the warmth the bear provided and held it on the bus ride there while Mabel shrugged her shoulders, she had no right to judge because she packed all her stuffed animals.

But she did feel a prickle of jealousy towards the bear because it had her brother's attention and frankly she didn't like competition for Dipper's attention.

But when they stopped for the first time in Gravity Falls they met their great uncle Stanford who wore a fez and nice suit like attire giving off an aura of mystery.

Dipper and Mabel were given the attic to sleep in with twin beds, Mabel quickly opened her suit case to put up her boy band themed posters on the wall while Dipper scanned around the room looking around feeling the very familiar atmosphere.

He shrugged off the feeling and laid down on the cot he was destined for by Mabel due to her already picking her side. As Mabel was humming a popular song Dipper closed his eyes and decided to take a nap.

»Time skip: a few weeks later«

Dipper and Mabel despite only being there for a few weeks already we're having the time of their lives with the abnormal creatures of the forest,

Mabel got preposed to by a bunch of gnomes who Dipper thought was a zombie in the beginning. But of course things aren't what they seem and of course Dipper saves them from a horrifying end, like many occasions to come.

But Dipper still felt the pull from the forest, like he belonged there...like it was his home...a comfort place.

Dipper didn't understand the pull and fascination with the forest that was dark black mixed with emerald with the soothing noises of crickets rustling their legs together to create a harmony full of chirps.

Dipper loved exploring the woods and the town, wanting to drink the knowledge like a can of Pitt cola which always reminded him of the family trip to Georgia, a town not too far away from their own, town that had the aesthetic of the state with the same name when they were 6 due to the peach flavor.

Dipper loved how he met very fascinating characters like Soos, Soos wore a light brown cap, has light peach fair skin, and buck teeth, Dipper would compare with a beaver.

Soos was stocky guy and wore dark brown shoes, beige shorts and a jade green-ish gray shirt that matched his eyes with a big dark green poorly painted question mark on the front and the word "Staff" on the back.

He also has a double chin and has a few hairs on his face that he glues on himself. He has short light brown hair that is styled similar to Dipper's which Dipper didn't feel alone especially since Soos didn't exactly have a father figure in his life and Dipper felt the relation to the man child was strong between them.

Dipper knew his situation wasn't as sad as Soos' but he felt a connection on a deeper level with the man.

Dipper loved the tubby man like an older brother because of his kindness along with how innocent he is and his humor was refreshing to Dipper who was used to insults and jokes about his masculinity by both his mother and Mabel.

"Hey dude, why did the duck cross the road?" The man child giggled as he swept the floor as Dipper rose an eyebrow at him, silently asking what the answer was while he shined the glass on the outside of the exhibits of phony monsters and myths.

"Why?" Dipper smiled softly as Soos tried to make him happier since he hadn't been getting much sleep lately,

"Because he didn't want to be a chicken." Soos held the broom with his right hand and did a finger gun with the other while Dipper snorted at the stupid joke.

"That was horrible." Dipper tiredly chuckled and yawned after and Stan had come out to investigate how the shop looked like and took one glance at Dipper,

"Jesus kid are you getting enough sleep?" Stan pointed out his eye bags quickly and Dipper just gave a dead look as if he was ready to die,

"Sometimes when I sneeze I close my eyes." he blinked slowly one eye before the other and Stan looked to Soos and Soos nodded his head and he picked up Dipper and slugged his over his shoulder to go tuck him in because first it was the kid not bathing for a whole week and now it's the fact that he's sleep deprived.

As Soos tucked him in Dipper was settled and started to drift because of the soft warm twin bed that he had snuggled into plus his bear at his side had his eyes stapled shut.

Soos left the room with a soft smile that the boy will definitely be catching up in his sleep schedule because if how quickly Dipper went down.

Meanwhile downstairs Mabel and Stan were having a conversation about Dipper which Soos had over heard and eavesdropped on,

"I don't know Gruncle Stan I feel as if he's not my brother, my mom thinks someone switched him and my actual brother at birth." Mabel chuckled and Stan rose an eyebrow at the usually happy girls attitude towards her brother,

"So what if he's a little different, he's still your brother, I mean you should Appreciate him while you still have him." Now it was Mabel's turn to be suspicious about the guilt ridden look that Stan displayed openly.

With a shrug of her shoulders Mabel skipped out the door to go eat some delicious food at Lazy Susan's Diner and Soos plus Stan figured that she didn't like her brother as much as she claimed she did.

With a silent sigh from both men, they continued to their tasks, Stan counting money and Soos manning the register since he finished the cleaning with Dipper.

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