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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7: The truth revealed.

«────« ⋅ʚ. ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛᴏʀ .ɞ⋅ »────»

◸ᴛᴡᴏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋs ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ◿

After the lights went out, Dipper knew he had to solve this new mystery game of finding the authors son.

Mabel was asleep and Stan had went down to dreams of serenity due to his ending nightmares of betrayal to his twin brother. While Ford had retreated to the basement.

Dipper strolled out of the room with a new ambition of finding out who this child was. Maybe it was Robby? Gideon...now that just creeped Dipper out. But he wanted to know.

Ford was such a good man, he was kind and caring. The man deserved to see his family again, especially after he had bonded with the author over their favorite game together. Dipper was determined to find the two other people.

Dipper snuck down the creaky steps carefully because the preteen didn't want anything or anyone to stop him from his mission of helping his Gruncle Ford.

The ombré boy knew one person that could help him and that person was Blandin. As much as Dipper didn't want to associate with the man he had to he had to see the past with Ford.

But as Dipper was about to step out the door he saw the third journal open on another page that Dipper hadn't seen before.

Dipper strolled up to the page that sat innocently on the table torn away from the journal and it read,

'William Cipher: Twin sister of Bill Cipher.'

Bill had a sister? Maybe this was the better route for Dipper, maybe he could summon the demon and make a deal, to see the past. He knew that this is what needed to be done and if that means making another deal with another demon so be it.

Dipper took the page into his porcelain mixed with toffee hands and opened the door quietly despite the adrenaline pumping itself into his veins from how exciting the idea of tangling with danger.

The pines boy ran into the woods his legs running as fast as he can into the twisted thicket with creatures lurking from gnomes to the multi-bear.

The boy felt his legs burn from hard he'd been pushing them ever since he sprinted down the front steps of the mystery shack.

He stopped to catch his breath and glanced at the page again to read how to summon the twin of Bill.

'You can summon Will by saying Bill's summoning verse backwards, you don't need anything else'

Dipper rose a fuzzy eyebrow, that was it? No salt? No candles? No satanic ritual? Dipper was grateful that it's only just that to summon the other demon.

"Okay Let's try this...." Dipper took a deep breath and continued,

"venetisarium! Meteforis. Ventium dominus meteforis. Entangulum, Triangulum" Dipper chanted only for his eyes to glow eye blistering yellow unlike Gideon's which glowed a nice pale blue.

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