Chapter 14

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Harumin heard footsteps nearby and covered herself
"Harumi what the hell? Why did you scream?" Mitsuko said pissed off
"N-nothing...just a bad dream" Harumin said nervously
"Alright...just please don't shout ever again. Get ready we're heading to school" Mitsuko said
"Huh? You?" Harumin asked
"I have to help Aihara-san with her work. Her grandfather called me to help out since he gotten sick" Mitsuko said
"Oh...I see" Harumin said
"Now get up and get ready" Mitsuko said and closed the door. Harumin sighed and stood up from the bed but leaned against the wall for support since her legs couldn't hold her body anymore. She groaned and walked over to the bathroom leaning against the wall and entered inside to take a quick shower. In the shower Harumin washed her body feeling clean but the marks were still there. She got out the shower and looked at herself in the mirror. She hated the marks looking at them in disgust
That brat will pay...I won't let her get away with this...this has gone too far
Harumin looked at the marks and reached over to them to touch each one of them. She blushed a little and shook her head. She walked out the bathroom and started putting her clothes on.
"Hopefully nobody notices these marks. I swear I'll kill that brat..." Harumin said letting out a low growl. After breakfast Harumin left with her sister heading to school. Mitsuko looked at Harumin noticing something on her neck almost like a mark
"Wh-what?" Harumin asked
"There's something on your neck" Mitsuko said reaching over to pull her hair back but Harumin stopped her by grabbing her wrist
"I-it's nothing sis. You're imagining things" Harumin said looking away. Mitsuko just glared at her and grabbed her
"H-hey!" Harumin said. Mitsuko pulled her hair back and her eyes widen seeing marks on her neck
"Are those...hickeys?" Mitsuko asked
"N-no! Now let me go!" Harumin said and pushed her.
"S-sorry but it's nothing really" Harumin said and spotted Yuzu walking to the Academy
"Hey Yuzucchi!" Harumin said running up to her. Yuzu stopped and turned around to see Harumin
"Hey Harumin!" Yuzu said and hugged her
"Huh? Where's the Prez?" Harumin asked and put an arm around Yuzu
"You know the usual thing with Matsuri. Helping her study" Yuzu said
"Oh that brat" Harumin groaned
"Can you not call her a brat?" Yuzu asked
"But she is one. She's a little troublemaker..." Harumin said
"She's just a kid. She'll grow up one day" Yuzu said
"Pfft...yeah right" Harumin said. Yuzu giggled and looked behind her seeing someone else
"Hey Harumin isn't she your-"
"Hehe yeah and let's go quickly" Harumin said dragging Yuzu
"W-woah! Hey slow down!" Yuzu said. Mitsuko just watched the her sister and the blonde leave then thought for a moment
She is definitely hiding something...does she have a secret love affair with someone?

"Are we done yet Mei-san?" Matsuri asked
" stop asking questions and pay attention" Mei said sternly. Matsuri groaned and laid her head down closing her eyes
"Didn't get much sleep?" Mei asked
"Mmmm...yeah" Matsuri said
"What were you even last night?" Mei asked
"You know...stuff on the phone...watching porn" Matsuri said
"Those inappropriate and disgusting videos can distract you from your studies" Mei said
"Says the one who fucks around in their office" Matsuri said. Mei just glared at her and sighed
"What can help you study or pay more attention in class?" Mei asked
"Senpai!" Matsuri said
"Senpai?" Mei asked
"Taniguchi-senpai can help me. If she were with me right now I would definitely get these problems correct" Matsuri said
"You really like Taniguchi-san..." Mei said
"Mhm. I mean we are dating. We secretly kiss each other and do other things that couples do" Matsuri said
"So you're dating my sister?" A very familiar and stern voice said as the door opened. Matsuri stood in place and gulped
"Shit..." Matsuri mumbled and turned around seeing the older Taniguchi sister
"U-Um bye Mei-san. I must head to class" Matsuri said and tried getting out the door but Mitsuko grabbed Matsuri's hoodie and dragged her back pinning her against the wall hard
"Aihara-san mind leaving the room. I must have a private talk with this brat" Mitsuko said sternly
Great...this bitch calls me a brat as well. Yay....
"Um Mitsuko-"
"I said leave. Immediately" Mitsuko said sternly glaring at her scaring Mei a bit
"Y-yes ma'am.." Mei said and walked out the room leaving the young Mizusawa and older Taniguchi sister. Matsuri kept looking away but couldn't help but to look at Mitsuko's big chest.
"So big..." Matsuri whispered. Mitsuko just glared at her and sighed
"My eyes are up here brat..." Mitsuko said with her stern voice. Matsuri blushed deeply and looked down at the floor. Mitsuko rolled her eyes and grabbed Matsuri by her chin then lifted her head up making Matsuri look at her. Matsuri trembled in fear and her heart started to beat loudly almost loud enough for Mitsuko to hear but blushed because Mitsuko's face was close to hers
Sh-she's too close to me. I-I need to get out! I need to escape! Someone help me!
"Explain yourself...Mizusawa. Are you and my sister actually dating?" Mitsuko asked with her serious and scary expression. Matsuri gulped and tried to speak but it was hard for her to speak since she was scared to death. It was like Mitsuko was staring at her soul.
"Well?" Mitsuko asked
"U-um..." Matsuri mumbled and saw the door open slightly and saw Nitski. Nitski looked at Matsuri and giggled as she pulled out her phone
What the fuck bitch! Help me!
Mitsuko noticed Matsuri's eyes move and she turned to look but didn't see anything since Nitski closed the door a little
"What the hell were you looking at?" Mitsuko asked
"N-nothing" Matsuri said
"Then explain" Mitsuko growled. Once again Nitski peeked her head inside and had her phone out. Matsuri looked at her again and her eyes widen as Nitski mouthed out the words
"Kiss. Her"
H-huh?! Kiss her!? Is she insane!?
"What are you looking at?" Mitsuko asked turning around but Matsuri grabbed her tie pulling her face close to hers connecting their lips together. Mitsuko's eyes widen being caught off guard while Nitski took a pic of them both. Matsuri ended up shoving her tongue inside her mouth. She started playing with Mitsuko's tongue giving it a lick and wrapped her tongue around hers. Mitsuko snapped out of it and pushed Matsuri away breaking the kiss. Matsuri blushed and squeezed her boobs hard making Mitsuko let go of her
"I'm sorry Mitsuko-senpai!" Matsuri said and ran out the room. Mitsuko just stood there surprised and groaned
Now I understand why Harumi hates her...she probably gave those marks to her
Mitsuko fixed her tie and without thinking she licked her lips slowly slightly blushing
"Hm...strawberries" Mitsuko said

"Damm I never knew you were actually going to kiss her" Nitski said
"Well I had to get out of there. I felt like I was going to die" Matsuri said and whimpered
"Hehe she did look like she was going to kill you" Nitski said and looked at her phone
"What the hell are you looking at?" Matsuri asked
"What a perfect picture" Nitski said and showed Matsuri the pic of her and Mitsuko kissing making her blush
"Wh-what!? Why did you took a picture of that?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"Shhhhhh it's part of a little plan" Nitski said
"What plan?" Matsuri asked
"Making Harumin jealous" Nitski said
"Jealous?" Matsuri asked
"Listen you can make Harumin jealous if you make her think that you're in love with her sister" Nitski said
"Actually...that's not a bad idea but do you think she likes me back?" Matsuri asked
"One way to find out" Nitski giggled

"I wonder if Mei and Matsuri are done with their studying and stuff" Yuzu said
"Hey there's the Prez" Harumin said
"Ah Mei!" Yuzu said and walked up to her with her arms open to hug her but Mei held out her arm blocking her
"Morning Yuzu and Taniguchi-san" Mei said
"Meiiiiiii let me hug you" Yuzu whined
"No" Mei said. Yuzu just looked at her with puppy eyes and whimpered. Mei just rolled her eyes and leaned in kissing her nose making Yuzu blush
"I love you so much Mei!" Yuzu said and hugged her
"I love you too Y-yuzu..." Mei whispered as she blushed
"Get a room lovebirds" Harumin said and giggled
"Hmmm? Where's Matsuri?" Yuzu asked
"She stayed behind with Mitsuko in my office" Mei said
"What?! Wait Matsuri is with my sister!?" Harumin exclaimed
"Keep your voice down" Mei said
"Why are you overreacting?" Yuzu asked
"I-it's nothing" Harumin said and left heading to the office.
That brat...alone with my sister. She's gonna be in a lot of trouble after this...
"Matsuri?" Harumin asked as she opened the door and found her sister in the office
"Haven't you heard of knocking before?" Mitsuko asked
"Where's Matsuri?" Harumin asked
"Why do you care?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well...I mean I don't care about her but she's my bestfriend's friend" Harumin said
"Talking about that blonde girl?" Mitsuko asked
"Yes" Harumin said. Mitsuko just looked at her for a moment and chuckled
" like that brat. Don't you?" Mitsuko asked
"W-what!? Of course not. Why would I like a brat like her?" Harumin said
"I'm just curious...that's all" Mitsuko said
" heard the Prez said you were with Matsuri" Harumin said
"And?" Mitsuko asked raising an eyebrow
"Well uh...what were you two talking about?" Harumin asked
"None of your business. Now leave..." Mitsuko said
" I was just-"
"I said it's none of your business. If you don't care about her then this shouldn't be bothering you" Mitsuko said
"Um...well y-yeah you're right" Harumin said
"Now get to class" Mitsuko said
"Y-yeah...sure" Harumin said and left closing the door. She stood in front of the door for a moment until she looked to the side seeing Matsuri
That brat!
Harumin immediately ran up to her and grabbed her arm
"W-woah! Hey!" Matsuri said as Harumin grabbed her arm tightly and pinned her against the wall hard
"G-geh...senpai. N-not so rough" Matsuri whimpered
"Shut up brat. It was you wasn't it?" Harumin asked
"Me? What did I do to you?" Matsuri asked
"You raped me last night..." Harumin said
"Why would I do such a thing?" Matsuri asked smiling innocently
"Stop smiling. This isn't funny. You fuckin raped me last night" Harumin said
"And you're not reporting me?" Matsuri asked. Harumin just glared at her and gritted her teeth
"I hate you so much" Harumin growled
"Senpai but you love me. You told me how much you love showed me your love...your allowed me to take your pure virginity" Matsuri said as her mouth drooled
"You bitch!" Harumin said and slapped her
" senpai likes it kinky?" Matsuri asked
"You little brat...I hate you so much" Harumin said
"'re mine. Don't forget that" Matsuri said and giggled. Harumin let her go and looked away
"What were you two talking about?" Harumin asked
"Huh? Who?" Matsuri asked
"My sister. The Prez told me the two of you were talking...alone in the office" Harumin said
"Why are you curious about that?" Matsuri asked
"Because I don't want you to do anything to her" Harumin said
"I didn't do anything and we talked about a little something" Matsuri said
"Which is?" Harumin asked
"None of your business" Matsuri giggled
"Tell me" Harumin said
"Maybe someone is jealous" Matsuri said
"J-jealous?" Harumin asked
"Yes jealous. You seem jealous that I was with your sister...all alone in the office with no one around" Matsuri said and licked her lips. Harumin just glared at her and stormed off. Matsuri smiled and touched her lips as a devilish smirk formed in her lips
Senpai is so jealous~

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