Chpater 35

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"Stand back and let me fight" Kori said
"There is no way we're letting you fight alone" Yuzu said
"But she'll end up killing you" Kori said
"I don't care. Matsuri is my friend and my little sister. I will help her" Yuzu said
"I see..." Kori said and walked over to Harumin to heal her. Matsuri growled and ran up to him attacking him but the three girls acted like defense and hit Matsuri hard pushing her back. Matsuri landed safely and growled
"Matsuri! Stop this! Remember me!" Yuzu said. Matsuri just growled and ran up to Yuzu
"I don't need no one!" Matsuri said and blocked the girl's attack then kicked their legs. She made them fall back and kicked Mei's stomach
"G-gaaah! Ahhhhh!" Mei cried in pain and coughed out blood
"M-mei!" Yuzu said and stood up running up to Matsuri. Matsuri looked at her and grabbed her weapon taking it away from her then lifted her leg kicking her face knocking her down. Maruta panted heavily and stood up trembling
Matsuri looked behind her seeing the glasses girl
"You fuckin you really think you have a chance to defeat me" Matsuri said and smirked. Maruta ran up to her and so did Matsuri. Matsuri jumped and used her leg to kick her but Maruta blocked her attack. Matsuri used her other leg to attack but Maruta was fast enough to block her other attack
Huh? So you think you can block all my attacks...let's see about that nerd
Matsuri used her wings to stay in mid air and kept using her legs to fight by kicking her. Maruta kept blocking and tried to keep up with Matsuri's movement but her stamina started to slow down. Matsuri smirked knowing her opponent was weakening
Time to end this! Once and for all!
Matsuri raised her hand as she used dark magic but Kori came in swinging his sword at her protecting Maruta
"Let me take this from here" Kori said and glared at Matsuri. Matsuri groaned and clenched her fists tightly
"D-damn you...why the hell do you keep ruining my plans?! Just get the hell out of my way!" Matsuri shouted as she ran up to Kori. Kori struck lightning at her then kicked her stomach hard. Matsuri coughed and fell back. She panted heavily and stood up earning another critical and strong attack from Kori
"Why would you accept her!? Can't you see we're all helping you!" Kori said and attacked her again. Matsuri coughed out blood and groaned
"I don't get you at all! Harumin said she loved you! You ended up using her sister! You hurt them both! You're hurting your friends!" Kori said as he kept attacking giving Matsuri cuts everywhere on her body
"K-kori! Stop that! You're hurting her!" Harumin said. Kori stopped and panted heavily as his body trembled. Matsuri fell to the ground and trembled
"Mizusawa...what the hell do you even think you're doing? That demon is only using you. Why can't you see that? Can't you see...she's the reason for all this...and you. If you hadn't accept her in the first place none of this would've happened. I don't get you at you really want to live a lonely life or what?" Kori asked. Matsuri groaned and stared at the sky. She teared up and gritted her teeth
What am I really doing...
'You can't give up. Are you really going to let him take the victory?'
H-he's so strong...I-I have no chance...
'You're going to let go of your treasure? That treasure belongs to you bitch. You must keep fighting for them'
'You must keep fighting. Nitski almost died for you because she loves you as a sister'
Woah woah...hold up
That is the first and sweet thing you've ever said...
'Huh? How is that sweet?'
Because you said my cousin Nitski almost died for me and loves me like a sister. You would usually say something like kill
'Shut up...just don't give up. We're this close to taking what's ours'
Matsuri looked at Kori who's palm was glowing and he reached over to Matsuri touching her forehead to cleanse her but Matsuri kicked him hard and stood back up panting heavily
"Some cuts won't stop me...hehe" Matsuri said as she regenerated herself
"Huh? You're pretty strong..." Kori said
"I won't give up...not until I have what's mine" Matsuri said and looked at Harumin. Kori noticed her eye movement and ran up to her with his sword. Matsuri growled and ran up to him. He swinged his sword which Matsuri was able to dodge. She backed up and dodged all his movements. She ducked and found one great opening. She smirked as she raised her leg and hit him in the most sensitive area. Kori's eyes widen and fell on his knees holding his dick. He groaned and whimpered softly
"Now...time to take what's meant to be mine" Matsuri said walking past Kori. Nitski got up and chuckled
"Woohoo! Way to go Matsuri-chan!" Nitski said
" okay?" Matsuri asked
"Hell yeah. All that time I was recovering from the injuries so who are you taking?" Nitski asked
"You know very well who I'm taking" Matsuri said and walked up to the Taniguchi sisters
"These bitches over here" Matsuri said and patted their head
"Well make it quick because I hear sirens nearby" Nitski said
"Shit..." Matsuri mumbled and a demonic symbol appeared on the ground
"Let's go. Bye girls! It was fun to meet you all. Farewell Pretty Boy. I hope we-Woah"
"No time for goodbyes" Matsuri said as she kicked Nitski into the portal. She grabbed Mitsuko and Harumin then took them to the portal
"Matsuri! Don't! Please!" Yuzu said. Matsuri looked at her and memories of Yuzu came in her mind. The first time they met. All the times they had a sleepover. Their play dates. Everything came in mind but Matsuri shook her head wanting to forget those memories
This is my life...I get to do whatever the fuck I want
Matsuri jumped into the portal taking the Taniguchi sister with her. The portal vanished and the police arrived. Kori stood up and looked over to where the portal was were there for Harumin. Why the hell didn't you do anything!?

The girls arrived at an abandoned house but it was clean
"Eh? Isn't this the place where grandfather used to live?" Nitski asked
"Yes...I found it. Hehe...this brings so many childhood memories" Matsuri said looking around the house remembering the past
'Gwandma! Gwandpa! Wook! I make mud pie!'
'I wanna pway outside!'
Matsuri smiled but it was interrupted by Harumin trying to escape
"Nitski..." Matsuri said
"On it" Nitski ran up to Harumin and kicked her stomach hard knocking her back
"Where do you think you're going you little bitch?" Nitski asked and giggled. Harumin clenched her stomach tightly and groaned. Mitsuko glared at her and growled
"Shut up you slut" Matsuri said kicking her head making her shut up. Matsuri laughed and walked around the sisters
"I never thought I would successfully take you both..." Matsuri said and sighed deeply
"Why are you doing this? What's the point in kidnapping us?" Harumin asked
"Because I claimed you as mine" Matsuri said
"Taking our virginity isn't a way to claim us as yours" Harumin said
"Hm? Now that I'm thinking about're right" Matsuri said walking up to Harumin then grabbed her by her hair. Harumin cried in pain as Matsuri sinked her sharp razor teeth into her flesh hard
"Hhhnnnngggh! N-no!" Harumin said and teared up. Matsuri pulled away and licked her marked neck.
"There we go" Matsuri whispered and chuckled softly. She turned around seeing Mitsuko back away as she glared at her. Matsuri surprised her by tackling her and sinked her sharp razor teeth into her flesh
"Nnnnggghhhh!" Mitsuko said and tried pushing her away. Matsuri growled and pulled away licking her lips
"Stop moving slut" Matsuri said and kicked her
"H-hey don't hurt her..." Harumin said. Matsuri glared at her and rolled her eyes
"Whatever..." Matsuri mumbled and walked away. She looked out the window and saw her reflection seeing Miaseakuu
'You did an excellent job kid. I'm seriously impressed. Killing your parents felt great right?'
I are you satisfied?
'Hmmm? Well I guess I should be since you did tried your best'
Matsuri sighed and looked at the two girls
"So what are you going to do with them?" Nitski asked
"Get me some rope" Matsuri said
"Yes ma'am" Nitski said and walked away looking for some rope to use on them
"Wh-what are you going to do?" Harumin asked
"Nothing. Don't worry I won't hurt you" Matsuri said smiling softly
"How can I trust you when you broke my fuckin leg!?" Harumin shouted. Matsuri growled and slapped her
"Don't raise your voice. Don't disrespect me. Just obey. Keep that attitude up and you'll see what I'll end up doing to you and you're definitely not going to like it" Matsuri said. Harumin just held her cheek and cried
"Don't cry senpai. You're home where you belong. As long as you behave I won't hurt you or lay a finger on you" Matsuri said and walked up to her. Harumin trembled as Matsuri got close to her then held her cheeks
"Relax senpai. If it makes you feel any better you are my favorite. So you'll get much more attention and affection from me" Matsuri said wiping her tears and kissed her nose softly
"And you Mitsuko-senpai...still need to learn to obey" Matsuri said as she stood up and walked up to her then grabbed her by her hair
"You little slutty bitch...hehe. I guess I'll call you that from now on" Matsuri said and shoved three fingers inside her mouth. Mitsuko growled and bit down on her fingers
"Ouchie..." Matsuri mumbled and kicked her stomach
"Gnnngggh!" Mitsuko groaned in pain with Matsuri's fingers still inside her mouth
"Just suck on them. Just like you sucked my dick. Or would you rather have my dick in your mouth?" Matsuri asked with a devilish smirk. Mitsuko surrendered and started sucking on her fingers
"Good slut. See? Not so hard how is it. You're setting a good example for your sister you know so when it's her turn she'll know what to do" Matsuri said and pulled out her fingers. Nitski came back with a couple of ropes
"Thanks" Matsuri said snatching the ropes from her hand and walked up to Harumin
"Lay on your stomach bitch" Matsuri said. Harumin gulped and laid down on her stomach. Matsuri grabbed Harumin's wrist and tied them behind her back. She grabbed her ankles and tied them together as well. She grabbed Harumin by her tied wrist and dragged her to a dark room
"Don't worry you won't be alone since you'll be staying with your sister" Matsuri said and put her in the room. She walked over to Mitsuko and tied her up the same way like Harumin. She took Mitsuko to the room and pushed her to the room
"Nighty night you fuckin sluts. I'll be checking up on you later" Matsuri said and closed the door. She locked the door and walked away
"Nitski...make sure they don't find us. Do whatever it takes to stop them.." Matsuri said
"So I should kill them?" Nitski asked
"Yeah sure. That's an option.." Matsuri said
"Alright. Whatever you say" Nitski said and ran out of the house as she flew away. Matsuri groaned softly and sat down on the couch to take a break
"I'm exhausted...I think I'm going to bed" Matsuri groaned. She looked up at the ceiling and felt her buddy harden. She looked at her dick and looked at the room she put the Taniguchi sisters. A smirked formed on her lips and stood up
"On second thought...why not have a little fun with the sluts" Matsuri said

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