Chapter 38

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"Wh-what..." Matsuri mumbled
"I know how you felt Mizusawa. Lost... reject...broke...lonely...those emotions. I felt them before. I'm the only one who understands your pain. Join me and the darkness. This is your destiny..." Miaseakuu said
"Miaseakuu I apologized plenty of times. You keep rejecting me and pushing me away. Can't you see I'm trying to help you..." Hamalie said
"Shut up. I realized now that I don't need you or your love. I need no one. All I need is get the fuck I want" Miaseakuu growled
"I know what I did was wrong...but please...come back. There is no need to keep fighting. I can try and help you" Hamalie said
"It's too late for fuckin slut" Miaseakuu said
"You're an idiot! From the first day you got kicked out I tried to help you but you always shut me out! It's your fault for all this so don't you fuckin blame me for all this!" Hamalie said. Miaseakuu growled and clenched her fists tightly
" you get what I mean?" Miaseakuu asked
"Huh?" Matsuri asked
"Those Taniguchi sisters...may seem sweet and kind but you don't know them so well. Harumin doesn't love you at all and Mitsuko used you to get rid of her small crush. They never loved you. They never did!" Miaseakuu said
"Stop saying lies you fuckin demon!" Harumin shouted
"Yeah! That's not true!" Yuzu said. Matsuri sighed deeply and looked down
"So...I'm you?" Matsuri asked
"Of course. Why do you think your grandmother said 'you look like her'..." Miaseakuu said. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
"Matsuri! Don't listen to her!" Harumin said
"You can't trust her! All she's saying are lies! Don't listen to her! Demons aren't meant to be trusted!" Yuzu said. Miaseakuu growled and attacked the humans
"SHUT UP!" Miaseakuu roared and unleashed a dark powerful aura. The angels blocked the attack creating a shield to protect the humans
"Join me! I can give you whatever you like! Giving you this power will give you the strength to get whatever you want! So accept me! We will get revenge and rule this world!" Miaseakuu said. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and shook her head
"Hey grandma..." Matsuri said
"Hello Matsuri. Something wrong?" Her grandmother asked
"Well...I had a dream about someone talking to me" Matsuri said
"A dream about someone? Who's this someone you're talking about?" Litina asked
"I-it was hard to see but it looked almost like an angel...or something like that" Matsuri said
"Oh an angel. That's a good sign. What did the angel tell you?" Litina asked
"The angel told me to follow my heart and not let anyone tell me what to do. It even said not to hurt my loved ones..." Matsuri said
"Hmm? Intresting. It's probably a warning about the future" Litina said
"D-does that mean something bad will happen to me?" Matsuri asked
"What? No no no I don't mean that...well...maybe you'll have to protect the ones you love some day" Litina said
"Protect my loved ones but...the only person I have is you" Matsuri said
"But what about your friend Yuzu?" Litina asked
"Well...I don't know...what if she's forgotten me?" Matsuri asked
"Why would she forget her favorite little sister.." Litina said and ruffled her hair
"You know I don't have many loved ones...I have no family or friends...just you" Matsuri said
"You will soon make friends. You'll see...maybe you'll be facing great danger in the future one day and you will be protecting the ones that care about you" Litina said and sighed deeply
"Grandma...have you protected any loved ones before from danger?" Matsuri asked
"Yes...I have" Litina said
"Who were they?" Matsuri asked
"Your grandfather and his brother..." Litina said
"Eh? From what?" Matsuri asked
"From killing each other" Litina said
"Wait...why did grandpa want to kill his brother?" Matsuri asked
"Let's just say his brother had a bit of a crush on me back then...I didn't want them to die or get killed so I had to stop them from doing the most stupidest thing. I even scolded them for doing such thing...especially since they both had a strong brother bond" Litina said
"So it was a love triangle?" Matsuri asked
"Mhm" Litina said
"But how can you choose between two people that you love?" Matsuri asked
"Just follow your heart. You'll know when you find the one and only true person you love" Litina said
"Hmm? Grandma is it possible to be an angel?" Matsuri asked
"It is very possible" Litina said and smiled
"Oh so I can be angel? I want to be an angel! I wanna fly and help people out there that are alone like me. I can give them company and help them go the right path" Matsuri said and smiled brightly
"That's my girl. You'll make a great angel" Litina said
"Yay!" Matsuri said
End Of Flashback
Matsuri looked at the group and teared up
Loved ones? Are they all my loved all of them...but they all want to help right? Yes...they do...and it's me who's been pushing away. They've been wanting to help me all this time but I was being such an's all my fault...they're all in this mess because I dragged them into it. If only I hadn't kissed Mitsuko but...Harumin got jealous because of that so...should that be like...a good thing. Maybe but I don't think so since I've just been playing with least I was able to hear those words from Harumin-senpai. Those three words were all that I needed to hear...
Matsuri looked up at the sky and sighed deeply
Grandpa...grandma...I've been the worse right? Yeah I know...I know I am. But it's not too late to fix my mistake I've made...there is still time to fix this
"So what do you say Mizusawa...will you join me and rule this world together?" Miaseakuu asked as she reached her hand out. Matsuri just looked up and smiled
"Thanks...but no thanks" Matsuri said and giggled
"Wh-what? What the hell are-"
"I'm not going to join you. I'm not like you. I won't ever be you" Matsuri said
"You little bitch" Miaseakuu growled and kicked her. Matsuri trembled and just laughed
"I'm might be much more crazier than you think hehehehehehehe" Matsuri giggled as blood dripped from her mouth
"You think this is funny! You think all this is a joke! You lost your whole family! They're dead! No one loves you! They don't need you in their lives! They don't care about you at all!" Miaseakuu shouted. Matsuri just looked at her and smiled
"What's with that smile? Why are you smiling!? You piece of sh-Gaaaaah!" Hamalie attacked and kicked Miaseakuu. Miaseakuu snarled and used her dark magic to restore her power. She ran up to the angels and lifted her leg high kicking her. Malori ran up to the demon and fought with full strength helping out her sister. Miaseakuu growled and grabbed them both then slammed their bodies to the ground
"You two fuckin sluts!" Miaseakuu roared. Matsuri stood up panting heavily and chuckled
"Miaseakuu!" Matsuri said as she pulled out the dark amulet. Miaseakuu's eyes widen and ran up to her
"Don't do anything stupid!" Miaseakuu said. Matsuri smirked and broke the amulet revealing a small bright smaller amulet. Matsuri grabbed the little gem hidden in the amulet and looked at Miaseakuu
'T-take this...a-amulet...and pr-protect it..'
She remembered her grandmother's words
So this is the real amulet...the other one was a fake...
"Baka! Why did you do that!?" Miaseakuu shouted
"What was so important about that anyways?" Matsuri asked
"That was my source of power! That was created for me! For me to use on these sluts! Now it's your fault! I lost everything! I don't get why you didn't accept me if you and me are alike...but I see now that you and me...were never alike from the very beginning" Miaseakuu said
"Hahahaha you got that right!" Matsuri laughed and held the gem closely
"No wonder you were born seems God has finally created a secret weapon but...who knows if that weapon can be..broken" Miaseakuu said
"It can and it will! Because I'm already broken! Hahahahaha!" Matsuri laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks. Miaseakuu looked at her and smirked
"It seems my job here is done..." Miaseakuu whispered as her body glowed
"Not so fast bitch!" Matsuri said running up to her and used her archangel powers knocking her down. Miaseakuu growled and ran up to her. Matsuri blocked her attacks then aimed for her chest. Miaseakuu barely dodged the attack and gritted her teeth
What's gotten into this kid? Attacking me? What did I do? I gave her everything! I gave her power! I gave her the sister's virginity! What more does she want!?
"What the hell are you doing kid!? Stop it!" Miaseakuu said and backed up dodging the attacks. Matsuri just kept her eyes on the target and kept aiming for her chest to weaken her
"What does she think she's doing?" Kori asked
"Trying to defeat her" Hamalie said
"B-but can she really defeat a demon...?" Harumin asked
"Maybe we should help" Mitsuko said
"Don't. It's best not to interfere. Matsuri can do this. We just have to believe. Besides...Matsuri is defeating her evil side which causes much more damage to Miaseakuu" Malori said
"Why did she get kicked out?" Harumin asked
"All because I rejected her. She went to full rage. Miaseakuu was actually an archangel. She was the best angel there ever was. She protected others and fought evil but after the rejection she went to full rage mode and fought everyone standing in her way. She even killed her own brother without hesitating. God kicked her out immediately and she was taken in hell. The Devil decided to help her out if she killed for him and so she did and killed many innocent people. I've tried to help her out by apologizing to her but that didn't help her at all...she only got angrier. Matsuri is another version of Miaseakuu but it seems that Matsuri took a bit of Miaseakuu's brother personality..." Hamalie said
"So if Matsuri is Miaseakuu then...could it be that eliminating her own brother made Matsuri an only child?" Yuzu asked
"It could be...especially since Matsuri was born different" Hamalie said. Miaseakuu growled and panted heavily
"I hate you so much! You fuckin idiot! I'll kill you! I'll fuckin kill you!" Miaseakuu laughed. Matsuri just looked at her and smiled
"Kill me if you want..." Matsuri said
"Matsuri! Don't!" Harumin said running up yo her but Hamalie grabbed her
"Forgive me Harumi...but let her do her thing..." Hamalie said. Miaseakuu smirked and pulled out a small little orb
"So you're not scared to die?" Miaseakuu asked
"Nope. Go ahead. Kill me...again" Matsuri said. Miaseakuu gasped and dropped the orb
"Y-you're him...that little fuckin idiot! I thought I killed him" Miaseakuu said
"Hehe still alive" Matsuri said
"No wonder you were born with a dick..." Miaseakuu mumbled. Suddenly Matsuri's body glowed as something came out of her body. It was a young boy who had a scar over his eye. He smiled softly and waved at his sister. Miaseakuu's eyes widen and clenched her fists tightly
So...he ended up living inside the Mizusawa. He knew she was the special and chosen one. seems I have to kill him again and that brat...

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