Chapter 18

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Mitsuko entered the room and shut the door
"Sis you didn't have to drag her out like that. I could've just told her to leave" Harumin said
"If I left you with that brat she would've taken advanced and rape you again" Mitsuko said
"W-well're right but don't you think you were rough on her?" Harumin asked
"Forget it. Go to your room and make sure to shut the window...unless you want to be raped by her again" Mitsuko said
"Y-yeah I got it is something we must talk about" Harumin said
"What?" Mitsuko asked glaring at her
" it's about Matsuri" Harumin said
"I'm listening..." Mitsuko said
"I've noticed a few things about you that...changed when you met Matsuri" Harumin said
"What are you talking about?" Mitsuko asked. Harumin gulped and clenched her fists tightly
Come on! Don't be such a little wimp. Confront her about this. Stop being afraid of your own sister...
"Nitski told me that you and Matsuri..." Harumin paused and looked directly at her sister
"Kissed" Harumin said
"What? That Mizusawa is telling lies..." Mitsuko said
"How come you stuttered and blushed when I said you like Matsuri?" Harumin asked. Mitsuko's eyes widen but kept her stern expression
"It's nothing" Mitsuko said
"Is it really?" Harumin asked
"It's none of your god damn business" Mitsuko said
"It is since we're both sisters" Harumin said. Mitsuko stayed quiet for a bit and sighed
"It's nothing. Whatever that Mizusawa told you is a lie. Why would you trust someone like her when you don't even know her that well? I bet she likes to joke around and mess with people..." Mitsuko said. Harumin just looked at her sister and gritted her teeth
Stop with your damn lies! I know you like Matsuri! And I hate it! I hate that you like her! I hate that you have feelings for her! I hate it because...I'm jealous
"Okay. Sorry for bothering you with that nonsense..." Harumin said and turned to leave but stopped
"But this isn't over...because I know you're lying" Harumin said and turned her head slightly to look at her sister
"Night.." Harumin said before she went to her room. Mitsuko just stood there and touched her lips
And I know you like that brat as well but...I can't let you have her

Morning came and Matsuri's alarm turned on
"Ahhhh! Shut up!" Matsuri groaned shutting up her alarm. She curled up into a ball and snuggled up in her bed
"Matsuri wake up" Her grandmother said
"One more hour..." Matsuri groaned still in bed. Her grandmother sighed and walked up to her then grabbed the bed covers pulling them away from Matsuri
"Waaaaaah! Nooooo!" Matsuri whined tightening her grip onto the bed covers not wanting to feel cold only the warmth
"Matsuri Mizusawa! Get up and get ready! You need to go to school!" Her grandmother said yanking the bed covers. Matsuri whined and grabbed a pillow covering her head
"Come on Matsuri. You just have today and tomorrow then you'll have the weekend off" Her grandmother said
"Fine..." Matsuri groaned and sat up on her bed
"Get ready" Her grandmother said and left the room. Matsuri got up and did her morning routine getting ready for school
"You have everything you need?" Her grandmother asked
"Yep!" Matsuri said
"Okay then. Have fun" Her grandmother said
"Yeah thanks" Matsuri said and kissed her grandmother's forehead. Her grandmother smiled and kissed her head
"Love you grandma" Matsuri said
"Love you too Matsuri" Her grandmother said. Matsuri smiled and walked out the house and walked down the streets heading to the Academy. On her way to school she saw Yuzu, Mei, and Eyebrow-chan
"Yuzu-chan!" Matsuri said and ran up to them
"Hey Matsuri!" Yuzu said waving at her. Matsuri walked up to them and groaned
"I want to skip today" Matsuri said and clinged onto Yuzu
"Hey how many times do I have to say this? Don't cling onto me that hard. It hurts" Yuzu said
"Sorry" Matsuri said

"Harumi get up! We're going to be late" Mitsuko said. Harumin groaned and sat up from her bed
"I'm up..." Harumin mumbled and got out of bed. Mitsuko closed the door leaving Harumin to get ready. Harumin rubbed her eyes and yawned
I couldn't sleep at all...I blame Matsuri for that
Harumin got herself ready and prepared her school bag. She grabbed her bag and walked out her room seeing her sister waiting for her in the front door. Harumin just avoided her stern eyes and walked up to her
"What about grandma?" Harumin asked
"She's still asleep. She needs her rest. The caretaker will be here any minute" Mitsuko said and headed out. Harumin followed her and they both walked to school. Harumin kept looking down and decided to look up slightly which Mitsuko caught her
"What?" Mitsuko asked
"N-nothing..." Harumin said looking down again
"Is this about last night...?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well kinda...or uh...maybe?" Harumin said not feeling so confident
"I thought I said that I don't like her and whatever that Nitski girl said is a lie. Did she even show you proof?" Mitsuko asked
"No...not at all" Harumin said
"See? She's probably messing with you because she likes to see your reaction..." Mitsuko said
"I-I guess you're right about that..." Harumin said
"So can you stop asking me about that?" Mitsuko asked
"Sure..." Harumin said. The two girls walked inside the Academy and went their separate ways
"Morning Mitsuko-senpai" Himeko said
"Morning Micchan" Maruta said
"Morning girls. Where's Aihara-san?" Mitsuko asked
"She's in her office working with Matsuri" Maruta said
"Are they done?" Mitsuko asked
"I don't think so..." Himeko said. Mitsuko walked away heading to Mei's office.
"Aihara-san" Mitsuko said and knocked on the door but heard nothing. She opened the door and saw Mei and Matsuri...asleep
"Aihara-san!" Mitsuko said. Mei gasped and sat up straight on her seat
"Wh-what?" Mei asked and looked around
"Didn't sleep well?" Mitsuko asked
"I-I guess.." Mei said and rubbed her eyes.
Stupid Yuzu...this is why I didn't want to keep going but it felt so damn good. Especially when she's horny and doesn't stop fucking me...
Mitsuko walked up to the two girls and stood behind Matsuri's seat. She leaned in towards her ear
"Wake up" Mitsuko whispered. Matsuri groaned and kept sleeping. Mitsuko bit down on her ear hard making Matsuri yelp and wake up
"I don't know the answer!" Matsuri said and looked around
"Finally you're awake..." Mitsuko said. Matsuri touched her ear and blushed as she looked up at Mitsuko. She looked away and shook her head
"S-so Mei-san are we done?" Matsuri asked
"Yes" Mei said
"You two get back here!" They heard Himeko shout. The girls walked out of the office seeing Himeko chasing Harumin and Yuzu
"Those two are real troublemakers when they're together" Mei said
"We need to do something about those two.." Mitsuko said
"I'll deal with Yuzu" Mei said. Matsuri was just watching and laughed
"Hey I wanna play!" Matsuri said and ran but Mitsuko grabbed her arm
"Do you want to get in trouble?" Mitsuko asked
"No but they get to play" Matsuri said
"Yes because they're acting like little kids. They're suppose to act mature already...especially Harumi" Mitsuko said glaring at her
"Then what about Eyebrow-chan? She's chasing them" Matsuri said
"That's because they probably provoked her.." Mei said. Suddenly Yuzu passed them while Harumin was behind her looking back to check if Himeko was close
"Look out!" Yuzu exclaimed and suddenly Harumin ended up crashing with her sister and Matsuri. Matsuri kept her eyes shut and felt someone on top of her while she was on top of someone. She blushed deeply as she felt her face was against something big and soft while she felt something big and soft against her back which meant one thing...she was in between the two Taniguchi sisters. She opened her eyes seeing boobs in front of her then looked up seeing Mitsuko. She turned her head back slightly seeing Harumin on top of her back. She blushed deeply and trembled as she felt Harumin's hot breath against her ear and it harden her dick turning her on. Mitsuko blushed and looked away
"Are you girls okay?" Himeko asked
"Y-yeah.." Mitsuko said. Matsuri blushed and her dick was driving her crazy. She moved up slightly making her dick touch Mitsuko's sensitive area. Mitsuko's eyes widen feeling something hard
"S-senpai get o-off..." Matsuri said
"S-sorry!" Harumin said and got up. Matsuri got off of Mitsuko and Himeko helped her up
"S-sis! I'm sorry" Harumin said
"Detention for both of you" Mei said sternly
"M-meiiii!" Yuzu whined
"Yuzu enough. You shouldn't be running in the hallways because accidents like this can happen injuring someone" Mei said
"But Momokino-san was chasing us!" Yuzu said
"Because you girls were fooling around!" Himeko said
"Hey we weren't doing anything wrong!" Harumin said. The three girls started shouting and arguing
"Shut up! I don't care who's fault it is but you two should act mature already" Mitsuko said glaring at Yuzu and Harumin
"Hehe and it seems that was a wonderful threesome position" Nitski said holding her phone
"Hey you can't have your phone" Himeko said
"Shut up Eyebrows" Nitski said
"Don't disrespect her now give me your phone" Mei said
"Wait let me just post something" Nitski said
"NO!" Matsuri said and tackled her making her drop her phone
"Ouch! What the hell Matsuri!?" Nitski said
"You're not going to fuckin post that picture or else I'll fuckin kill you" Matsuri growled. Mei grabbed the phone and saw the pic
"Give it back!" Nitski said
"No give it to me!" Matsuri said
"Shut up!" Himeko said
"Shut up Eyebrows!" Matsuri and Nitski said
"Get off" Nitski said pushing Matsuri off. Mei turned her phone off and took it away
"Give it bac-"
"Get to class. Now" Mitsuko said glaring at her. Nitski groaned and walked away
"This is your fault Matsuri" Nitski growled
"Don't blame this on me. It's your fault. If you didn't took a pic of that I wouldn't have tackled you" Matsuri said
"Whatever..." Nitski said and left. Matsuri just rolled her eyes
"Hey onee-chan and senpai aren't we going to class?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah" Yuzu said
"Let's get to class" Harumin said. The rest stayed behind and watched the other girls leave
"Those two always get in my nerves..." Himeko said
"Next time let me handle those two" Mei said
"Good thing the Chairman isn't here today" Himeko said
"If he were here and saw all this he would've definitely expel them both" Mitsuko said
"But I wouldn't allow that..." Mei mumbled. Mitsuko turned to look at her and looked at the blonde delinquent
"That blonde care for her?" Mitsuko asked
"I do" Mei said
"I'm sometimes surprised how you can stay calm around her. Don't you ever have the feeling to just scream at her?" Himeko asked
"Sometimes but I must control myself..." Mei said
Besides...I can't be mad at Yuzu. She's so cute and beautiful. What I really want to do to make her understand is fuck her so hard...hmmm. I should punish her...
"Hopefully they'll understand after this punishment" Himeko said
"Even if we give them detention that won't make them understand and behave properly" Mitsuko said
"True and that pink haired kid. I really don't get why your grandfather allowed her to come to this Academy" Himeko said
"Neither do I. All I know it has to do with her company..." Mei said
"I need to sit down. Those two seriously get on my nerves..." Himeko mumbled and went into the office. Mei followed her leaving Mitsuko. Mitsuko blushed remembering Matsuri being on top of her and blushed deeply but kept her serious expression
What is she doing to me to make her want her more...

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