Chapter 16

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Harumin followed Mitsuko home but still had a feeling that something was going on between Matsuri and her sister Mitsuko.
What am I thinking? My sister would never and I mean never love someone like her...right? But why did she say she was intresting? Could it be...? No! No way...
The two arrived back home and Harumin entered the house taking her shoes off
"We're home grandma" Harumin said
"Welcome home girls" Their grandmother said welcoming her granddaughters
"Hey grandmother" Mitsuko said
"How was your day?" Their grandmother asked them both
"Just hard work" Mitsuko said
"Yeah...a bunch of notes and school work stuff" Harumin said dropping her bag and laid down on the couch
"Hehe well I hope you're doing good with your grades" Her grandmother said
"Yeah..." Harumin mumbled
"I'll prepare dinner" Mitsuko said and walked to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Harumin sat up from the couch and looked at Mitsuko
She keeps saying it's none of my business...but it is...we're both sisters. I wonder if what Nitski said was true...
"I'll be getting Yuzu-chan. I'll be right back..." Matsuri said and walked up to Harumin leaning closely towards her ear
"Senpai~" Matsuri whispered and Harumin just flinched and covered her ear then glared at her
"Bye bye" Matsuri said and left. Nitski looked at Harumin and giggled softly
"My cousin is really in love with you..." Nitski said
"I'll never date her or love her" Harumin said
"What if she lost intrest in you?" Nitski asked
"Then I'll be extremely happy" Harumin said and took a bite of her meal
"Hehe what if Matsuri dated your big sister Mitsuko?" Nitski asked making Harumin choke on her food
"M-my sister!?" Harumin exclaimed
"I said "if" not that she would anyways..." Nitski said
"My sister would never date someone like her" Harumin said
"Yeah but...have you ever seen your sister in love?" Nitski asked
"No...she never falled for anyone. She was always so focused in her studies and her future that she had no time to think about boys. She usually reminds me of the Prez..." Harumin said
"But isn't the Prez dating her own stepsister?" Nitski asked
"Yeah she is..." Harumin said
"You know...I overheard Matsuri talking about your big sister" Nitski said
"Huh? She was talking about her?" Harumin asked
"Mhm. She was mostly talking about how big her boobs are" Nitski said
"Why am I not surprised..." Harumin mumbled playing with her food
"Are you jealous?" Nitski asked
"No" Harumin said glaring at her
"Hmm? You sure? I mean Matsuri and Mitsuko did kiss..." Nitski said. Harumin choked on her own saliva and shook her head
"Th-they kissed?" Harumin asked
"Huh? No they didn't" Harumin said
"You sure?" Nitski asked
"What do you mean?" Harumin asked
"Why not ask your sister? She might say something about Matsuri" Nitski said and giggled
End Of Flashback
"Harumi? Are you alright?" Her grandmother asked
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine" Harumin said
"Are you sure?" Her grandmother asked
"Yeah I just spaced out for a bit..." Harumin said and got up from the couch. She walked to the kitchen and saw her sister preparing dinner
"Hey sis...can I ask you something?" Harumin asked
"What is it?" Mitsuko asked still cooking
"Um...well today...uh..." Harumin mumbled fidgeting with her fingers. Mitsuko stopped what she was doing and turned around to look at her
"Yes?" Mitsuko asked raising an eyebrow
"Um...well it's about love" Harumin said
"Love?" Mitsuko asked still having her serious expression
"Y-yeah um...have you ever for someone or have fallen in love with someone?" Harumin asked
"No and why would you ask me about that?" Mitsuko asked
"W-well um...I was just...w-wondering" Harumin said nervously. Mitsuko just went back to cooking not understanding why Harumin asked her about that
"Sis...?" Harumin asked
"What now?" Mitsuko asked
"Do you love...Matsuri?" Harumin asked which made Mitsuko's body tense up and her eyes widen
"Wh-why would y-you ask me that?" Mitsuko asked trying to keep her serious tone but stuttered which Harumin noticed...obviously
She just stuttered when I mentioned her name. I never heard her stutter before...
" okay?" Harumin asked
"Yes..." Mitsuko said
"Then why did you just-"
"It's none of your god damn business now shut up and stop asking ridiculous questions!" Mitsuko said a bit annoyed and turned to glare at her. Harumin's eyes widen as she saw a bit of pink on her cheeks
Sh-she's blushing!?
"Girls what's going on?" Their grandmother asked
"Nothing grandmother..." Mitsuko said
"Yeah...nothing" Harumin said and left the kitchen heading to her room. She went inside her room and pulled put her phone from between her boobs then opened it. She scrolled through her contacts and saw Matsuri's number
That brat...I hate her so much yet...I-I...don't completely hate her...for some reason...
Harumin sighed and dialed her number
"Senpaiiiii~" Matsuri answered
"Can you tell me what the hell happened between you and my sister?" Harumin asked
"Huh? You're still thinking about that?" Matsuri asked
"Answer me" Harumin said
"Someone sounds a little jealous~" Matsuri giggled
"I'm not jealous. All I want to know is what did you do to her because...she's acting a bit wierd" Harumin said
"Huh? Wierd?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah wierd.." Harumin said
"It's nothing okay? We didn't do anything. Happy?" Matsuri asked
"Don't lie. During lunch Nitski mentioned something about you" Harumin said
"Eh?! Nitski said we kissed?" Matsuri asked
"Y-yeah" Harumin said
"That bitch is crazy okay? Don't believe her" Matsuri said
" sister...I don't think she's acting like herself" Harumin said
"You're just imagining things. Your sister is still that serious and stern woman" Matsuri said
"Well yeah but I never heard her stutter before when I mentioned your name..." Harumin said
"Maybe she's sick or something like that" Matsuri said
"You're lying...I can tell" Harumin said
"Jeez fine whatever. Don't believe me then...senpai~" Matsuri whispered
"Shut up" Harumin said
"My dick is hard~ Mind if I come over and-"
"No!" Harumin said and hanged up dropping her phone on the bed
I really really really hate her!
Harumin grabbed her phone again and dialed Yuzu's number.
Come on Yuzucchi. Pick up pick up pick up...
"Hey Harumin" Yuzu answered
"Hey Yuzucchi...listen sorry for uh bothering you but I just wanted to ask if we could hang out tomorrow afternoon. There is something I want to talk about..." Harumin said
"Let me guess...Matsuri?" Yuzu asked
"Um...yeah" Harumin said
"I'll talk to her" Yuzu said
"No don't...I's just uh...we'll tall about it tomorrow" Harumin said and hanged up. She sighed and plopped on the bed. She stared at the ceiling and reached up to her neck feeling those marks
Am I really jealous...or what...

Matsuri groaned and looked at her phone
"She hanged up on me..." Matsuri whined
"Didn't you say you two were dating?" Furto asked
"Yeah why would she hang up on you if you two are dating?" Furto asked
"It's nothing. She just had something to do" Matsuri said
"Hehe it's because Matsuri kissed her sister" Nitski said
"Nitski!" Matsuri growled
"Woah what?!" Sakira exclaimed
"You kissed your girlfriend's sister?" Asher asked
"It was just a kiss. It's not like I meant it or anything like that" Matsuri said
"But you can't kiss someone else you don't love" Lina said
"Oh relax it was a little dare" Nitski said
"You dared her to kiss her?" Sakira asked
"Yep!" Nitski said
"Why did you do it?" Asher asked
"I don't" Matsuri said confused
"Did Harumi get jealous?" Sakira asked
"Yes and she looks so cute when she's jealous" Matsuri said blushing
"Do you know how her sister felt about that kiss?" Lina asked
"Who cares what she feels. That bitch has no feelings for anyone. She's a cold hearted bitch...kinda reminds me of Mei-san" Matsuri said
"Oh okay" Asher said. Matsuri's phone ringed and saw it was Yuzu
"Yuzu-onee chan!" Matsuri said
"Hey Matsuri" Yuzu said
"So how are you and Mei-san doing?" Matsuri asked giggling softly
"Harumi called and well...she told me to meet up since it involved you" Yuzu said
"Me? What did I do wrong?" Matsuri asked
"That's why I'm asking you. You did something to her" Yuzu said
"I did nothing wrong okay? I don't know what I did to make her feel bad" Matsuri said
"Yeah right" Yuzu said
"What?" Matsuri asked
"Have you been doing inappropriate things to her?" Yuzu asked
"Hmmm? Nope" Matsuri said
"Are you telling the truth or are you just always" Yuzu said
"I'm being honest" Matsuri said
"Why do I have a feeling that you're lying..." Yuzu said
"Whatever then but I did nothing wrong" Matsuri said
"Fine then..." Yuzu said
"Have fun with Mei-san. Send me pics and videos of your sexy night together" Matsuri said
"MATSU-" Matsuri hanged up and giggled softly
"What was that all about?" Asher asked
"Just something about stuff" Matsuri said
"So are you going to Harumin's place tonight?" Nitski asked
"You know I am!" Matsuri said
"Have you guys had sex yet?" Nitski asked
"Mhm. Last night" Matsuri said
"Wow you guys have already done it" Sakira said
"Did you use protection?" Asher asked
"Yep we did. She kept begging for more" Matsuri said. Lina just looked at Matsuri giving her a glare. Nitski noticed and giggled softly
"Hey Lina-san mind if we talk? I need to tell you something" Nitski said
"Sure" Lina said
"Excuse us. We'll be right back" Nitski said standing up from her seat. Lina got out of her seat and followed Nitski outside
"Why did you call me out here?" Lina asked
" know why" Nitski said. Lina clenched her fists tightly and glared at her
"You're so cute when you're mad" Nitski said walking up to her. Lina stepped back and Nitski grabbed her pinning her against the wall
"You're cute when you're jealous" Nitski said
"What do you want?" Lina asked
"Hmm? What do I want? Hehe...forget Matsuri. What does she have that I don't? Is it her dick?" Nitski asked
"Grrr...back off" Nitski said pushing her
"So aggressive~ I love it" Nitski said
"It's your fault Matsuri is like this" Lina said
"It's not my fault. She decided become like this" Nitski said
"She's choosing the wrong path" Lina said
" matter what you try to tell her she'll only want her senpai" Nitski said
"I just feel like Matsuri is only doing this because she wants her body" Lina said
"I have to admit. The Taniguchi sisters do have a nice body. I bet Matsuri would want a threesome with them since she did talk about a threesome with her onee-chan and Mei-san" Nitski said
"But it's wrong" Lina said. Nitski looked at her and grabbed her by her collar shirt
"You're only saying it's wrong because Matsuri doesn't love you back" Nitski said. Lina just glared at her and gritted her teeth. Nitski leaned in caressing her cheek softly
"You could become my toy~" Nitski whispered. Lina glared at her then slapped her hard across her cheek
"You're a fuckin dirty slut" Lina growled and left. Nitski laughed softly and licked her lips
She is a special toy~

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