book 3: what really happened

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Just like mortals, the gods and goddesses loved to chatter. As a result, gossip would spread like wild fire.

Jinah, the goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation was just enjoying a romantic dinner with the god of war named Hong Jonghyun until the words traveled to her ears.

"Did you see Hani's daughter? She is beautiful." People near the couple's table spoke and captured the goddess' attention. "Yeah, indeed she is. I would give up all my fortune if I could stick my dick in Yongsun. I'm just going to say it; she is prettier than Jinah." Those two minor gods laughed before drinking their alcohol.

The beautiful woman would always get peeved when people compared other women to her. After all, she was known for her beautiful features. Jinah noticed Jonghyun was also listening to the other table's conversation, that's when she nudged her lover. "What do you think? Do you think Yongsun is prettier than me?"

Jonghyun almost spit out his beer. He stared at his girlfriend before chuckling, "of course not dear. You are the most beautiful being in this world." The male answered as cold sweats formed on his forehead. "Why would you even doubt yourself?"

Jinah narrowed her brows before frowning, "you are lying. I know when you are lying."

"I'm not lying." Jonghyun defended himself. He wasn't lying, but he did think Yongsun was a fair young lady, definitely give Jinah a run for her money.

Even though this was no big deal, Jinah was very sensitive when it comes to her physical appearance and how others perceived her. She instantly got up and left Jonghyun alone in the restaurant. "Stupid men. They don't know what they are talking about." Jinah pulled out her phone before calling her son, Mingkyu, god of love.

"What's up mom?" Mingkyu answered as he was in a room filled with girls.

"Honey, I need you to do me a favor. Your mother had been humiliated." Jinah sobbed as she got into her car, driving back to her house. "I need you to take revenge for me."

Mingkyu sat up and away from the women then listened carefully, "what happened mom? Who dared to make a fool out of you?"

"Yongsun. Hani's daughter. I need you to do something for me." Jinah wiped away her tears before smirking, coming up with a scheme. "I want you to make the most hated god to fall in love with her."

Mingkyu thought about who the most hated god was, that's when he gulped down his saliva. "W-what? If she found out, I would be in big trouble! Not even you or dad could protect me." Mingkyu was never one to turn down a request from his mother, but to mess with Byul was beyond something he wanted to do.

"So you don't care about your mom either?" The goddess started to play the guilt trip card, something the god of love could never turn down. "You can shoot your arrow through the portal right?"

The younger man let out a sigh before agreeing finally. "Okay... I will."

Days later, Mingkyu arrived at the portal leading towards the Underworld. Though he could not enter without permission, his power could extend beyond the realms. He grabbed his arrow and aimed down, he closed his eyes and concentrated on making this arrow invisible, even to an Olympian. Mingkyu thought about Byul and Yongsun before firing that arrow. It traveled through the Underworld until it found Byul looking at the fire and landed straight into her heart. That very moment was the first time she had laid her eyes on Yongsun. "I'm sorry, Miss Byul. Please forgive me." As the god of love, he never wanted to shoot his arrow to mingle with gods' affairs, especially not for a spiteful reason like the one his mom had. But he was still his mother's son, a good son.

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