Kaminari STOP

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Aizawa: Ok so what's it called when you take your kid to work?

Kaminari: child labor

Aizawa: just get out


Sero: stop injuring yourself

Kaminari: *body slams himself into a locker while having Jirou record him*

Sero: ...I give up


Kaminari: *flirting with Jirou*

Sero: *talking to Momo* does it make you a bad person if you wanna absolutely r u i n your best friends only chance at true love?

Momo: *staring at Jirou* no why?


Kaminari: bet you I chug this soda in under 3 seconds

Sero: please do- KAMI !!

Kaminari: *about to puke* ... I-*swallows puke* did it-

Sero: why-

Bakugou: Who the fuck keeps taking my shit?!!

Also Bakugou: *sees Mina and Kaminari building a play fort with Bakugou's hoodies because they are comfortable*

Bakugou: why are you guys like this?


Mina: I'm bored

Kaminari: same. Hey Bakugou! Light my hair on fire!

Bakugou, about to kill Denki: ok

Kirishima: guys that's not a good idea-

Sero: *burst into the room like a psychopath picking Kaminari up bridal style and running* I THOUGHT I WAS THE SUICIDAL ONE IN THE GROUP?!


Kamimari: I wish there was someone out there who loved me

Sero, having a mental breakdown: I SWEAR TO FUCK KAMINARI I AM RIGHT HERE-


Mineta: so any girls you have your eye on Kaminari?

Kaminari: *looks back and forth from Sero to Mineta* bold of you to assume it's a girl.

Sero: *chokes on thin air*

I'm probably gonna do a prt. 2 of this lol

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