inccorect quotes ?

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i write down out of context things my friends say. here's the best of the list.

kaminari describing the time bakugo punched him in the face: they don't hurt but you'll get knocked the fuck out

mina making an anti-smoking campaign for school: cigarettes will make your pussy stank

kaminari being an utter dunce: bats don't eat meat they eat food

kirishima.. just because: i chugged bees

sero, constantly: *screams in comic sans*

mina at 2am, high: i wonder what ghost head feels like..

kaminari, next to her and also high: ugh, now i want ghost head

sero: sweat flavored juul pod

mina coming out: peoplesexual

kaminari: *puts carmax in eyes* i wanted that vintage glossy look, luv xoxo

kirishima being illiterate: disposable thumbs

( i couldn't think of any good ones for bakugo sorry )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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