Death Tears Us Apart

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We pull into our street. "I cant wait to see them." I say moving closer to Adam.
"Did you have fun on the honeymoon?" Adam asks grabbing my hand.
"Yes, I loved it. Thank you, it was a great surprise." I say kissing him. We drive past the house that Adam and I had fun behind. We come to my house and see Tahlia and Adam already outside. "Your not leaning, you f*ucking b*tch!" Dad yells Tahlia, as we get out of the car.
"Dad!" I snap back with attitude.
"No, she's not leaving." He takes her bag.
"Yes, I can you've been a jerk since, Tia left for her honeymoon." She grabs her bag back. "B*tch." Dad tells her.
"Hey Andrew, calm down." Adam says as he starts to walk up.
"Fine." Dad push's Tahlia down the four stairs and she hits the concrete, hard. "Tahlia!" I scream as I run over to her. I take off my farm shirt revealing my white tank top. I place the t-shirt under her head, while blood spills out of it. "Tahlia. Don't leave me." I cry. I'm so caught up in Tahlia, that I don't even realise that Adam is punching and cussing at dad. "Adam, call 000. Please." I tell him but it's to late, she's dead.
Sirens and a big white van comes around the corner. The street fills with people, my next door neighbor, aka one of my best friends, sees me and comes running out. She pulls me away and I cry into her.

I pull me bag outside, "No, your a d*ck. There nothing left here for me, I'm leaving an you cant kill me, like you killed everyone else in this family." I yell as I walk out the door. I walk outside tears running down my eyes. I fast walk down to the car, where Adam is waiting for me. He gives me a hug before we hop in the car. He wraps one arm around me, "Why didn't you just tell the cops it was him?" He asks starting the car.
"I... don't know." I confess and watch dad as we drive away.

We get to the hotel that we are staying at and we unpack. "I'm gonna, go see MK." I say step out the door and grabbing the keys. "Ok drive safe." he say before planting on my lips. I walk down the first floor and see Mickayla already sanding there. I told her about, what happened. Maybe she came to see me. I walk up to her an see she's crying. "What's wrong?" I ask  as she collapses into my arm. "Riley's... in...  in... hospital." She says crying even more.
"What? What the hell happened?" I ask again.
"He went to the shops to buy some baby stuff and five guys came up to him and beat him up." She cries  into my arms. "Oh,  can we go see him." I pause. "Wait is this stress good for the baby?!?" I ask. She doesn't answers and I look at her. "Mickayla?" I scream. "Help! Help!"

I just got back from the hospital and turns out Riley was fine just a light concussion. Mickayla had fainted because of the stress and lucky the baby was fine. I walk into the kitchen where Adam was making dinner. "Hey, where just  having spaghetti, tonight." Adam says.
"I'm not hungry."  I tell him.
"Oh, ok." He says putting down the spoon. "Are you ok?" He asks walking over to me.
"Yeah, just worried. I'm gonna go for a shower, then to bed." I say.
"Alright, I'll meet you in the shower." He tells me before giving me a kiss. I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower, after taking off my clothes.  I let the warm water poor on my body, while  sit on the shower floor.  I get out of the shower with Adam lying. I dry myself off then walk  into the bedroom. I see Adam laying there, naked. He smiles at my and I roll my eyes. I'm not in the mood and he has to do this now, I think. I lay down next to him, with my back  facing him. "Come on baby. Pick the bottom lip up." He tells me. I roll over to him and he  has a smirk on his face. I can't resist it, I giggle. Then he pulls me on top of him.

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