chapter 9

139 1 4

Your pov:

Oh my god im in the rainbow town holy crap its so couler full and to think i am in the one place i wanted to go to and now i want to leave well better stop stairing and get out of this stupid town i jumped off the hill and started running threw the town i just want out of here and to be left alone i wasn't even near the exit of the town befor my lages felt like they were going to fall off but i dont care i just need to keep running next thing i know theres steves infront of me and behind me so i turn left/right and keep running no no no no god dam it!!!! Its a dead end gaaaaa! I turn around and there they are blocking of my only way out with that stupid looking rainbow one

Rainbow Steve: i don't know how you got out but your going back to that cage

Its now or never i can't get out please work! I look up to the sky and yelled

" Time Steve!!!"

He appeared in front of me

Rainbow Steve: t-time Steve? Its been so long why are you defending her she can kill you

Time Steve: i know she can but i trust the she won't

He turnd to me

Time Steve: go child they will not touch you

So i walked out the stevea that blocked me in moved out of my way but once i reached the entrince or exit i saw something or better someone or people i should say Steve's that i never wanted to see again

Nightmare Steve: hello again our little run away.....

To be continued......)

(DISCONTINUED)my rainbow heartWhere stories live. Discover now