chapter 34

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Blue Steve's pov:

I hate this look this weak blue Steve discise is so weak but i must remain this way for a while longer if i am to find and take over this girl i have been hearing so much about its a shame that no one can know who my true self is....that is....only for a while longer they will find out soon enough and they will remember the name void Steve....

Your pov:

I don't even know if im heeding in the right detection anymore im so lost im getting so hungry but i can't stop i need to keep going i can't stop.....i can't stop....i can't stop.....i.....can't.....stop.... I fell on the ground i try to get up but im to weak i need rest but i need to get up and keep going i can't give up....everything went black....

To be continued.....)

(DISCONTINUED)my rainbow heartWhere stories live. Discover now