chapter 23

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Rainbow Steve's pov:

Im tired so very tired i don't know how long i have been here, all i know is i just want this tourcher to end and to think this is what Y/N had to go threw every single day for her entire life i feel so bad for her now, i have chaings on my neck around my wrists and around my ankles i have wipe marks all over me my body hearts from getting shocked my high voltage energy shocks i want this to end...oh great nightmare Steve's back

Nightmare Steve: im going to ask again, what do you know about Y/N?

" i told you i dont know anything about her bedsides her name"

Nightmare Steve: your laying

"Im not"

As soon as i finished my sentence blue Steve walked in what is he doing here?

Blue Steve: i have information on her nightmare king

No no no he betrayed us...

To be continued...)

(DISCONTINUED)my rainbow heartWhere stories live. Discover now