Chapter one

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In front of me on the table lies different things. A sword, two knives, a bow with some arrows. I see in the corner of the eyes, my parents. I know what they want me to choose. I lift my right hand over the knives, I can see them smile. I move it over to the sword, they still smile. I take a deep breath. Today is my eighteenth birthday, today is the day I choose my future. Well what weapon I want to use until I get more. I lower my right hand back to my side while I lift my left to the bow and arrows and I grab it. I see my parents get surprised. I look up at the man in front of me and nod while he nods back. I put the bow and arrows on my back then I walk out of the room.

I wait a minute or two before my parents came out of the room and close the door. I look at them and they look at me, but they don't say anything. My dad makes a little nervous smile, I smile back at him. I look at mom and my smile disappear, she is really angry. She sighs. Here we go. I look down on the ground and waiting on her to shout at me.

"How could take the bow when it was knives and a sword there?!" She is really angry and I know why. Before I have time to open my mouth she continues.

"It's very few that does that, do you know what you have done?" She is now little calmer, but not much. I roll my eyes and look at her.

"Don't worry mom, I will be fine." I say then I walk away before she can answer.


My family is hunters. My mom is one of the best at it, that still is alive. My dad is pretty great too. Even if he wasn't born to be one. They hunt werewolf's, vampires etc. Soon I will be able to join them. I want to make my mom proud, I hope that one day will do that.


I sit in my bed and looking on the bow beside me. Why did mom got so angry? I don't understand. I look up and look out through the window, it's already dark outside. My stomach growls. I have not eaten sense this morning. I sighs and get up. In the kitchen I find my mom making a sandwich. She turns around and jumps and with that nearly drop the sandwich when she sees me, she probably didn't hear me come down. I try really hard not to laugh but I fail.

"Stop doing that!" she shout and take a deep breath then she starts laugh as well.

"I can't help it that no one hears me when I comes." I say with a smile. I hear her sigh and she becomes serious

" Why did you pick the bow? You know it's very few that does that, and it's a reason behind it." I look down, I'm not able to look her in the eyes.

"It felt right to do that." She open her mouth to speak but my dad enter the room and cut her of.

"Can't you talk about this tomorrow?" He come at the right in time, I breath out and relaxes when I see mum nod her head.

We eat in silence. If dad hadn't stepped in, mum had probably said something now. I look at the clock, 10:34. I have to get to bed, I have school tomorrow. I break the silence.

"Good night."

While I goes to my room. I change my clothes and goes to bed. I close my eyes for some seconds then I hear my door opens and I look up. I see my dad come in then close the door.

"I came just to say good night" he says and walk up to my side. I don't believe him. He could

done that before. He bends down and kiss my forehead and whispers.

"I have to tell you something." I look at him little suspect, what is so important that it can't wait until the morning?

"Now when you are 18 I have to tell you something important." He look at the door and take a deep breathe, then he finally continues .

"I'm a werewolf." I sets up in the bed and just look at him. Did I hear him right? "I believe that you are one too."

Thank you for choosing my story I hoped you liked it so far and will continue read my book.

Please tell me what you think about it.

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