~part three~

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        Rain had started to fall sometime through the night. The familiar sound of the water hitting the roof helped my mind wander long enough for me to fall asleep, but it didn’t last long. Every time I felt myself drifting, a nightmare began where the hands tearing Jess apart were mine.

                Eventually I gave up trying to sleep. I could almost see the sun rising behind the dresser blocking the window. I sighed and pushed myself to my feet, dragging the pillow and blanket up with me. I tossed them onto the same bed. I shivered at the thought of what might have happened to the boy that used to sleep there.

                I stepped into my shoes and shuffled as quietly as I could to the door and unlocked it. I opened it slowly, trying not to wake anyone. I walked down the hall and noticed more pictures that I hadn’t seen before. There were some of Calum and the girl I assumed was his sister. I saw one of the two of them with a man and a woman. My heart skipped a beat. I knew immediately they were his parents.

                I couldn’t bear to look at them anymore. I continued down the hall and turned into the kitchen, hoping no one would be there. I stopped in my tracks when I noticed someone standing in front of an open cupboard. The world had really dealt me a lousy hand lately. I tried to sneak into the main room without him noticing me, but to no avail.

                “Ah, newbie,” I heard him say. I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was Luke. “You’re up early.”

                I turned toward him and stepped into the kitchen. I looked him in the eye in my best attempt at being intimidating. “So are you,” I snapped back. He looked tired, like he hadn't got any sleep either. I almost felt sorry for him.

                Luke smirked charmingly and looked down, running a hand through his hair. I felt my heart race as I watched him. “I am,” he nodded. “Nice work.” He turned back to the cupboard and pulled a loaf of bread from within it. “Hungry?”

                I nodded. I stood completely still as he took two slices of bread from the bag and placed the rest back in the cupboard. He kicked the door shut with his heel and handed me a piece.

                “We try to keep breakfast small, so we don’t run out of food,” he explained and took a bite of his bread.

                I nibbled on my bread nervously. Luke was looking at me in a way I couldn’t quite read. He chewed slowly and rested his back against the counter. I stared right back. I wasn’t about to let some arrogant pretty boy turn me into a quivering ball of submission. Luke took another bite and didn’t look away. I suddenly became acutely aware of the fact I probably looked disgusting. My legs were unshaven, my hair was tangled, and I was wearing too-big clothes.

                Luke’s clothes.

                “You know, you’re the first girl we’ve seen in a while,” Luke told me. “If he hasn’t already, Cody’s gonna hit on you, he thinks you're hot. I’d stay away from him if I were you though. You could do better,” he winked. I felt my cheeks redden but I didn’t say anything.

                Luke opened his mouth to say something else, but he never got the chance. Calum walked into the kitchen humming a song I didn’t know. He smiled at us and got his own piece of bread from the cupboard. Luke looked to the ground and finished his bread. He pushed himself off the counter and left towards his bedroom.

                Calum looked at me with a mouthful of bread. “You alright?” he asked around the food. I nodded habitually. My best friend was killed less than twenty four hours ago. I was as far from alright as anyone can get. Calum looked at me like he knew exactly what I was thinking. He probably did. He lost his best friends, too.

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