~part four~

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        I was awake far before I heard the knock on my door. I put my hand on the window sill and pulled myself to my feet. I felt light-headed so I balanced myself on the dresser. I reminded myself to move it back later. The room was still humid, an aftermath of the previous day’s rainstorm. I hobbled to the door but I didn’t open it.

                “Yeah?” I called. My voice wasn’t as rough as I thought it was going to be, but it was obvious I had been crying. I wanted to knee Luke where it counts hard enough to make him see stars in front of his eyes so he could know how much it hurt to lose your best friend. Especially in the way I lost Jess.

                “It’s Connor,” the knocker answered. I almost smiled. I opened the door and saw Connor standing with my clothes in his grasp. He held them out to me. “They might be a bit damp still,” he warned. I thanked him and took them. I didn’t care if they were wet. I just wanted to get out of Luke’s clothes.

                Connor looked at me sympathetically. I blushed and closed the door. I wasn’t exactly subtle last night when I came charging through the house with tear-stained cheeks. Luke probably told them that I overreacted and they all laughed. I tossed my clothes on the floor next to one of the beds and started changing out of the ones I was wearing.

                I tugged at the hem of the Nirvana tank top and pulled it over my head. The band logo made me nostalgic. I hadn’t listened to music since the outbreak. I tried to remember the words to my favourite song but could barely scavenge the tune from my memories. I hummed it the best I could and continued to undress. I noticed a fresh pair of underwear had been supplied by one of the boys. They were meant for boys, but I wasn’t complaining.

                I stepped out of Luke’s shorts and folded them next to the tank top. The breeze coming in from the window was soothing. I put my familiar black jeans back on and I felt infinitely more comfortable. I pulled my blue shirt over my head and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I had become accustomed to having greasy hair, but this is the longest I’ve gone without rinsing it, even after the outbreak.

                I gathered Luke’s clothes and left my room to give them back. I wanted nothing to do with him or his stupid band t-shirts. I didn’t bother pulling my door shut as I walked down the hall with my head bent.

                “Dez!” I looked up and saw Calum walking towards me. He smiled. “It’s about time you got up. We’re having lunch right now,” he laughed. “Are you okay…?” he trailed off awkwardly.

                I nodded but didn’t look him in the eye. I felt like Calum would be able to tell I was lying if I looked him in the eye. “I’m just going to give these back to Luke,” I held up the clothes to show him what I was talking about. “Is he in the kitchen?”

                I tried to walk past him but Calum put out an arm and stopped me. “He hasn’t come out of his room today,” he told me. “I’ll bring him his clothes.” He took them from me gently. I rolled my eyes. Luke’s such a drama queen. “You hungry?”

                “I could eat,” I admitted. I had skipped dinner yesterday.

                Calum smiled. “Great. Jon’s making peanut butter sandwiches.”

                “Ooh, I didn’t know we had a gourmet chef in the house,” I joked. I felt the need to lighten the mood. It worked.

                Calum laughed lightly. “Yeah, he’s the best in the business. Top notch apocalypse cuisine is his specialty.” Calum put his arm around my shoulders and I laughed, even though I didn't mean it, as he led us to the kitchen.  Jon was just starting to put away the bread when we walked through the door. Calum snapped like he was a snobby French man hailing a waiter. “Whip us up another one of those divine sandwiches, sir,” he spoke with his nose in the air and his hand waving in front of his face. I laughed a real, genuine laugh and I felt incredible. Jon rolled his eyes with a smile and resumed the sandwich making.

                “I’ll be back,” Calum told me. He spun around and stalked off towards the room he shares with Luke. I sat in one of the rickety plastic chairs and I could see him through the door. I watched him knock on the door and wait. When it didn’t open he pushed it ajar, far enough for him to see Luke. I wondered what his room looked like. I wondered how it felt to lay in his bed…

                I was snapped out of my daydream when Jon handed me my sandwich. I thanked him and bit into it. My mouth was watering before the bread even met my mouth. I didn’t realize how hungry I had been.

                I looked back to Calum and saw him closing the door and heading back towards me. But, he still had the clothes in his hands. I was confused. He gave me a look that suggested we were in the same boat. When he reached me he handed me the clothes.

                “Luke said he wants you to keep them,” Calum shrugged. “He said he has enough clothes.”

                I stared at the clothes but didn’t take them. I didn’t want them either. At least that’s what I told myself. I hesitated but before I could stop myself I watched my hand take the clothes from Calum. I felt my cheeks heat up and I stood up abruptly.

                “I’ll go put them in my room,” I mumbled. At least, I tried to. I’m not sure what actually came out. I stumbled out of the kitchen, leaving half of my sandwich uneaten on the table. I caught my balance and steadied myself. I saw Cody chuckle out of the corner of my eye. I blushed deeply and tried to hide my face. I clutched Luke’s clothes to my chest and turned down the hallway that led to my room—

                And I was stopped, frozen with fear, in my tracks. There, standing in front of me, were three people I had never seen. They were tall and menacing.

                 And they were Sick. 

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