~part fifteen~

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        Syd’s eyes flashed in my memory as I climbed back onto the roof. Ashton and Luke were crossing the distance between us angrily. I knew they would be coming to scold me about using my gun, but I had to tell them about the serum. As much as they hated me, they had to at least care about that.

                “What the fuck, newbie?” Luke snapped before I could get a word out. “Do you want to draw every Sick in the city? Jesus, you can’t do anything right…” he trailed off in a huff.

                “Luke, listen—” I started, but Luke cut me off. Ashton didn’t look angry at me, but he didn’t stand up for me either. He looked so disappointed.

                “Actually, that wouldn’t be so bad,” Luke shrugged. “We could use you as bait and Ash and I could get away.” He nodded, satisfied with his plan. My heart broke as I looked at him. It was like I was looking at the same boy that pulled me out of that mall; the jackass with nothing but harmful wit and inability to think with anything but his dick.

                “Luke,” I tried again, but to no avail.

                Luke laughed. “Better yet, why don’t you just jump off the roof now and save us the trouble?”

                “Luke, listen to me,” I begged.

                “I don’t care about anything you have to say,” he said nonchalantly. His tone was casual but his words cut like knives. I flinched away from him as he strutted back to the other side of the roof. Ashton didn’t move.

                “Ash...” I barely whispered. I was crying still, but not because of Syd anymore. I wasn’t sure I was crying about Luke, either. It just seemed like a good time to cry. “It’s the serum.” Ashton looked at me but didn’t say anything. I took this as an invitation to keep talking. “Elisa figured it out, I know how to cure the Sick,” I told him. I pleaded with my eyes that this news would be enough to redeem myself.

                Ashton looked skeptical. “What did you shoot?”

                I swallowed. “The Sick—his name was Syd. He had a gash in his side…he would have bled out,” I struggled to get the words out. I had killed him. He wasn’t Sick anymore. He was healthy and I killed him. It was the first life I had ever taken, and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be my last.

                Ashton nodded thoughtfully. “You actually cured him?”

                I nodded vigorously, hopefully. I wanted nothing more than to be forgiven, even though I didn’t deserve it. I looked sideways and caught Luke staring at me in a way he never had before. His gaze was void of the usual seductive glint and charming wink. There was nothing but a cold, hard hatred. I was the reason his already shitty life got even worse and he showed exactly how he felt with a single look. I didn’t blame him.

                Ashton touched my arm gently, bringing my attention back to him. “I’ll talk to him,” he offered a weak smile. My heart started racing as Ashton walked towards Luke.

                “I’m sorry,” I whispered after him. Ashton looked back for a split second, but there was the slightest hint of forgiveness in his eyes. I felt more tears welling up in my eyes and I turned away from Luke and Ashton.

                There was a light breeze blowing over the building, carrying some of their words to my ears. They spoke in hushed tones and I tried not to eavesdrop, but my curiosity got the better of me. I strained my ears to take in as much of the conversation as possible.

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