~part fourteen~

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        I could barely hear anything but the echo of the gunshot ringing in my ears. Luke dashed to a door in the back corner of the record store. It was slightly ajar, so Luke kicked it the rest of the way open with his heel. Behind the door was a dark stairwell that I assumed led to the roof, cluttered with storage containers and unused shelves. Luke didn’t even pause. He took the stairs two at a time and didn’t put me down. I wished he would. Everyone I ever cared about died. Why did I get to keep going?

                I heard Ashton follow us but didn’t look back. He slammed the door harder than he needed to, but I understood. He had known Elisa better than me. I couldn’t imagine what he was going through. Luke reached the first landing and turned up the next flight without missing a beat. I couldn’t see Ashton anymore. I buried my face into Luke’s chest as he turned the next corner. I could feel his heart racing in time with mine. A tear slid down my cheek and was absorbed by the cotton of his shirt.

                Luke reached the top of the staircase and finally placed me down. I crumpled to my knees, every ounce of will drained out of me. I heard Ashton moving everything he could reach in front of the door. The sounds of crashing and breaking floated up to meet us and I only hoped it was Ashton causing it.

                I turned to Luke as Ashton sprinted up the stairs and watched him shoot the lock off the door I was leaning against. He took my hand and pulled me to my feet as he walked out onto the roof. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and let me go. I hadn’t noticed he was crying.

                Ashton slammed the door and kicked it forcefully. He punched the metal frame over and over, crying and cursing to the wind. We didn’t stop him.

                This was all my fault. Everything that had happened was my fault. Jess died because I didn’t make sure she had a blade, Calum and the boys were missing because I moved that dresser, and now Elisa’s dead because she came with us to fix my mistake. I had killed Elisa. Every time I blinked I could see the glass piercing her skin. At least she died laughing.

                “It’s not fair,” Ashton muttered. “IT’S NOT FAIR.” He threw his body against the door and then collapsed against it, sliding to the ground. I couldn’t look at him. I felt like if he looked at me he would know what I’d done and he’d never forgive me. I wouldn’t expect him to. I hadn’t even forgiven myself.

                Luke walked over and sat next to Ashton. He didn’t say anything and neither did Ashton. They just sat there, silently assuring each other that everything was going to be okay, that they were here for one another. I had never felt so alone.

                I forced myself to stand and I started pacing across the roof. It consisted of smooth grey stone, surrounded by a foot-tall ledge. It wasn’t very big. It was very close to the other buildings. If I took a running start I could clear the space and land safely on the other roof.

                I approached the ledge cautiously and peered over the edge. The Sick had reached the building now. A sob tore its way out of my chest when I saw a cluster of them huddle around the place where I knew Elisa’s body was. She wouldn’t even get a proper burial. In that moment I was more determined than ever before. I had to redeem myself somehow.

                “We need to find Calum,” I croaked. My throat was hoarse from crying. I turned to the boys. “We have to.”

                Luke nodded. “I know.”

                “We have to find him,” I repeated quietly. I was talking to myself more than the boys. I hurried to the right ledge on the roof and leaned over the edge cautiously. There was a black fire escape hugging the side of each building treacherously. If I missed the other ledge, I wouldn’t just plummet straight to my death; I would hit every obstacle on the way down and be dead before I hit the pavement. Right then, it was a risk I was willing to take.

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