SCP-811 X Male Reader

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Wooo boy. Look at this predicament you got yourself into. What happened exactly? Well, you stole a (insert stupid item that's supposed to make you laugh here). That's it. And now you're here,at the SCP Foundation, apparently tasked with grooming a....what is it anyway?

Just as you thought this, the scientist told you what it was.

"Her name is SCP-811, but she prefers to be called Aé. She's a amphibious swamp creature that is passive. Oh and she secretes a mucus that rapidly decomposes any living matter in her tank except for her."

Great. Not only was that not really helpful, but now you know that you could actually die. Cool. Fantastic.

"D-(Insert numbers here), Please step inside of SCP-811's Containment cell."

oh god oh boy oh jesus no

You walked inside of the cell, the door closing behind you. There's no going back now.

You Observe the tank, which looked liked a huge fish tank that hasn't been cleaned in like, 2 whole months. Swimming inside was a 5'6 tall, lanky woman with green skin and slightly long, black hair.

You gotta Admit, its cute, in a weird, Creature from the black lagoon-y way.

She then pokes her head out of her tank. "Are you hair cleaner?" she says. "Y-yeah?" you replied, trying not to show the fact that you're practically shitting your pants. In response, she smiles and points to a ladder.

"The SCP Foundation was, oddly prepared for this", you thought. You Immediately shrugged that thought off, i mean, what's the chance of the SCP Foundation is trying to get the D-Class Personal to get relationships with the SCPS to try to get rid of them, ahahahahahaha.....haha.....ha..........ha..

You then climbed to the top of the ladder and stared at her hair. You then remembered what you were here for and looked into the basket you were given, Inside was a bunch of things you needed, with a note at the top

"The SCP Foundation issues you these supplies in order to clean the hair of SCP-811, as soon as the task is completed, you are required to return the supplies and the container unless told otherwise. If not returned within 3 days, disciplinary actions will be taken"

The rest of the note just has a list of the supplies given to you and at the end it showed their little logo. You crumbled it up and started brushing her hair. Jesus christ it's tangled as hell. And it has dirt in it. And some leaves. And you could've sworn you say a mummified frog in there.

But nonetheless, you made it through. And despite knowing nothing about brushing hair, you did a good job. Aé smiled and hugged you. "Me like you." she said. You felt something tingle up your body as you heard those words. Could it have been a ghost? Could it have been because you were cold? Could it have been that after all of your (insert age here) years of living on this earth, you finally felt....Loved?

Nope. Its just the flesh decomposing mucus.

"i like you too" you say as you hug her back. You then climbed down the ladder and walked out the door with the stuff. You quickly handed over the stuff and took an hour long shower.

From that day forth, you have been tasked with brushing Aé's hair every other day, and in all honesty, you couldn't have been happier.

(hi, its me, the author, just wanting to let you know this is my first story on here, so tell me how its was and tell me what i should improve on. also please tell me how many times i've said oh.)

(alright, bye lads.)

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