Yandere!Amisia Erdehn x Male Troll! Reader

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"oh (Y/N), come ouut come ouut wherever youu are!"

You shivered as you heard those words.

(Flashback brought to you by the sting-ray of plot convenience )

You were just a simple boy, living in Outglut in a small hive with your (insert animal here) Lusus. You didn't really have any friends, except for Amisia. You two met when you were lost in the mega hyper death forest. You in all honesty were surprised when she didn't kill you. She always called you cute, she was always there for you, and she had a crush on you. Despite her not even knowing you didn't feel the same. 

Eventually she just started acting weirder than usual. She was always petting you and watching you sleep. Of course being the idiot you are you didn't even notice. 

One day she gave you the head of Tyzias for a gift. You being the pussy you are, ran as fast as you can.

And now you're here.

"(Y/N) please come ouut, i  don't wanna huurt you too!"
You could just hear her steps wander around your hive, calling your name. heck, there were even times were she walked right past your hiding spot.

But then you heard the closet door open.

You were found

(insert solid snake game over here)

"(Y/N)! i finally fouund youu!"

She then hugged you tightly.

"i was so worried! i thouught i lost youu!"

You tried to push her away, but her grip was strong. 

"Get Off Me!" you said.

you finally pushed her off you and onto the floor. She was, of course,  visably shocked. but then she got angry

"(Y/N, don't youu know it's ruude to puush the people who love youu away?" She gripped her axe tightly and brought it over her head.

"i'm sorry (Y/N), buut," She grabbed you and pinned you to the floor.

" i have to teach youu a lesson."

And with one swift blow, you were dead. (B/C) blood spilling everywhere. Amisia then got a bunch of paint cans and canned all of your blood to use your blood as paint.

(a few days later)
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! i finished my painting, wanna see it?"Amisia said to her matesprit, well, more specifically, the corpse of her matesprit. The painting was a bunch of splashes of (B/C) blood with a few mixtures of blue in there.

Amisia then cuddled up to her matesprit.

"i'm glad youu liked it" she said, planting a kiss on her matesprit.

"i love youu (Y/N)."

(don't worry. (Y/N) is probably definitely not in fetish hell right now.) 

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