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Hello and welcome to the very first EVER Gorefiend Awards! 

Please note that this is my first time ever hosting a contest on Wattpad. After judging and participating in multiple, I've decided to host my own! ~All thanks to a very nice and helpful person.

Thank you KaylaKeifer for your help!

Q. What is the Gorefiend Awards?

A. The Gorefiend Awards is a place where people that write and read can gather for contests! My plan for this book is to promote as many stories as I possibly can. I understand how difficult it is to get readers to actually find and read your story. This is a yearly contest that'll take place around the end of October to the beginning/mid part of November. This contest is only open to English written stories so I apologize to those who have stories not written in English.

Q. Where did you get the name for this contest?

A. Funny. You see, this was supposed to be just a dark Halloween themed contest. So I would've only accepted horror, paranormal, werewolf, vampire, and creepypasta genres ONLY. But I decided not to be such a butthead and accept mostly all (as long as I have judges willing to judge those genres. Wow, I got distracted. Anyhow, since it was a darker themed contest, I have it a darker name. Gore means blood and nastiness (Rated R stuff) and fiend is an evil spirit or demon. *Also, I really got the name from World of Warcraft*

Q. Are you still accepting entries for contestants and judges?

A. I am no longer accepting contestant entries, however, I am still looking for judges! ♥

If you have any questions, PM this account or DeannaHellerErskin for more info!

The Gorefiend Awards 2019 (Accepting Judges)Where stories live. Discover now