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Greetings, Earthlings and such.

I have an announcement to make. 

The contest will still be continuing however, I am no longer accepting entries. If you've submitted and haven't gotten a reply, please bear with me as I look over and confirm your entry. Whatever entries that have been submitted will most likely be accepted. 

I am still looking for judges and if I haven't accepted you, please wait as I look over it. 

I have three days off this week. Today, tomorrow, and Friday. However, this Friday I'll be paid, which means I will probably not be on this account then (but my main one will be active)

Those who've completed the payment will get a PM with a special little bonus towards the contest, regardless of the outcome of the judging. Those people know who they are, so congratulations.

Official accepted entries will be posted tomorrow, alongside the judges. Please make sure you follow your judges no-matter-what. 

I'm very sorry for the long delay. This contest should hopefully wrap up sometime during March but hopefully before April. I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I've never hosted a contest before and that it went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy over my head, so I wanted to thank everyone for their patience and support. Thank you. 

The Gorefiend Awards 2019 (Accepting Judges)Where stories live. Discover now