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"Bye, Nadia." I wave as I walk up to my front door. Nadia walks up with me, then wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer to her, connecting our lips. I place my hands on her waist and kiss her back.

"Tonight was really fun." She smiles after pulling away. I nod my head as I smile down at her, taking my arms away from her waist now.

"Definitely. The movie was really good, too." I smile and she agrees.

"Oh my god! Niall!" She excites, her grin widening. "My friend, Michael, is having a party next Friday. You should come!"

"Would he mind?" I ask, not wanting to go uninvited. She nods her head and tells me that he told her to invite whoever she wants to. "Sorry for asking, but can I bring my friends, too?"

"Of course!" She smiles and nods. "I'm sure they're really cool. Should I pick you guys up from your house? Next Friday at 9pm?"

"That sounds great." I smile, kissing her one more time before taking out my key and unlocking the door.

When I open the door, my mum is standing there, curiously looking at me.

"H-hi mum." I smile awkwardly, feeling like she knows something.

"Where were you?" She asks me nonchalantly, but I can tell she knows something's up.

"Hanging our with Louis." I lie, biting my lip nervously.

"Really?" She asks, slightly raising an eyebrow. I gulp nervously and nod my head. "Because Louis's upstairs with your two other friends eating pizza."

"Shit," I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Language, Niall." She sternly says. "Next time, don't lie. If you have a girlfriend I just want to know so I can keep up and help you out, okay?"

"Okay," I sigh. "Sorry. It's just, she's older than me so I thought that would make you mad."

"As long as you two like each other a lot." She smiles lightly, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, also, I suggest grabbing some pizza before Harry eats it all."

"Good idea." I laugh lightly, rushing up the stairs whilst skipping every other step.

When I walk into my room I see Louis laying in my bed, eating a slice of pizza and looking kind of down or lost. Meanwhile Liam and Harry sat on the ground, leaning against my bed an eating pizza - Harry is more like stuffing his face.

"Hey!" Liam smiles. "How'd it go?" He winks and I roll my eyes playfully. I walk over to the pizza box that lays on the ground and grab a slice, then hop onto my bed, over Louis since he's laying and I don't want to jump on top of him.

"It was really fun." I smile and nod, taking a bite of pizza. "How was your guys' time?" I add with a laugh, knowing they most likely ate, talked and played video games.

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