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Niall calls Harry as our fingers are intertwined and I hug his arm. We walk down the sidewalk and try to find out where they are so we can tell them about us being together. The thought of Niall being my boyfriend makes me happier than I've ever been before.

"Hey," Harold answers, the phone being on speaker so I can hear as well.

"Where are you and Payno?" Niall asks him. Meanwhile I just hug his arm and enjoy being close to him.

"Both home, I assume. Liam could be out somewhere, probably not though." Harry says.

"Meet us at the park." I tell him and Harry groans.

"Who is us?" He asks, yawning. Of course he was sleeping.

"Just Louis and I." Niall smiles, squeezing my hand securely.

"So you two made up?" Harry shows more excitement in his voice. Niall nods as he tells him yes. "Good, and I'll be there in ten minutes. Sounds good?"

"Cool," Niall hangs up, then kisses my cheek. I blush and look at the ground. How did I get so lucky to end up with the one person I actually really love?

We call Liam next and say the same thing. Liam is happy we made up and says that he's gonna meet us there as soon as he can.


Niall and I don't want to give away that we're more than friends beforehand, so we sit a good enough distance apart on a bench as we wait for our two friends.

They arrive at the same time and both comment on how they're glad we're back to being friends. We smile and nod along, then ask if they could sit down with us.

"Do you wanna tell them?" Niall whispers to me. I shake my head as I move my sweater sleeves over my hands. "Okay, I'll say it." Niall giggles. I blush and look back over at our friends who are patiently waiting for us to begin.

"So, what's going on?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"I'm gonna say this real fast. No need to waste time." Niall smiles. "When Lou forgave me, I, uhm, asked him to be my boyfriend."

"What?" Harry smiles and widens his eyes. "No fucking way! Aww!"

"That's fucking adorable!" Liam yells, smiling and hitting his thighs with his hands. "You guys are adorable!"

I blush and hide my face in Niall's shoulder, giggling lightly. Niall puts his hand on my thigh and squeezes it gently.

"Oh!" Niall says, so I lift my head off his shoulder. "Look," he bites his lip, then moves my sweater until my hickeys are noticeable. "Guess who did that? I did!" Niall excites.

"Damn!" Harry laughs. "So Niall tops?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Shush! That doesn't even matter who tops." Niall blushes. "The point is, I did this to my boyfriend." He says softly, trailing his fingers across the hickeys he left on my neck. I blush, also remembering the ones he left on my chest and stomach, that nobody knows about.

I cover my neck back up and blush, leaning onto Niall's side as I become embarrassed. "Niiaaalll," I whine. I smile up at him and giggle.

"What?" He giggles. "I wanna show everyone that you're mine." He smiles kindly, playing with my hair at the same time.

"I guess I'm okay with that." I blush and smile at my blonde, blue-eyed boyfriend.


Liam and Harry suggest we go out and do something to celebrate Niall and I finally being together, so we come up with the idea to go to a nearby carnival that's open this weekend.

It's Saturday, so we were thinking that we'd go to the carnival and then sleep over at one of our houses. I bet if we sleep at mine or Niall's house, our parents wouldn't want us sleeping in the same bed together, though we always do.

"It can't be Niall's house." I say, holding onto his hand and swinging our arms as we all walk down the sidewalk.

Niall furrows his eyebrows at me. "Why not?" He asks me, laughing lightly.

"Your mum wouldn't let us sleep in the same bed." I remind him, shrugging. Niall nods back and sighs.

"Yeah, that's true." He bites his lip, thinking. "Well then it can't be your house, either."

"My mum wouldn't like it, but she's not as protective as Maura. She wouldn't ever check in to make sure we weren't too close." I tell him.

"Okay, so your house?" Niall smiles and I nod. He brings our laced hands up to his lips and kisses the back of my hand softly.

We go to my house to chill before going to the carnival. We eat some snacks and play FIFA on my Xbox and watch some Tv, until finally it's time to go to the carnival.

My stepdad drives us there in his car and then we all get our money out to pay for our tickets.

"Which ride first?" Harry asks, scanning the carnival for any rides he can see from the view he has of the carnival in this moment.

I hold onto Niall's hand and hug his arm. "Nialler, let's ride that one!" I smile as I point to the UFO which spins around really fast as you lean against the slanted wall.

Niall smiles at the ride and then at me. "Okay baby, anything for you." He moves my chin so I face him, then he kisses my lips softly. I smile against his lips as I kiss back, bringing one of my hands up to his cheek.

"Yay!" I say, leaning my head on his shoulder and sighing in content. Niall makes me really happy. "I love you, Nialler." I say quietly.


"Losers," someone shouts and I furrow my eyebrows as my face turns to a more hurt expression. The boy who called us that laughs with his friends as they walk by.

I lift my head off of Niall's shoulder and shake his hand away from mine, stepping away so we have more normal space between us. I look down at the ground and sigh. I guess you can't do this in public.


Let me know what you think of this BORING chapter...
Sorry about that haha. There's a decent amount of chapters that aren't really interesting.


He's 25, that's crazy😄😱

Also, my sister's birthday was/is today😁 they share the same birthday😊😊

Harry hope you enjoyed your birthday and keep being you☺️☺️

I know you're not gonna read this, but still... be just as awesome as you are now😄😄

Love you guys and Harry😘☺️



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