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I'm not only angry, but worried. Louis was supposed to be at my house at 5:30pm, now it's 9:30pm! He might've ditched me, or maybe he's in trouble and needs me. But I can't help him because I've been trying to get in touch with him and he won't respond.

"Hey Niall, how're things with Lou?" Liam asks once I call him.

"I'd tell you if he were here!" I yell, running my fingers through my hair as I pace back and forth around my room.

"Wait,what?" Liam shouts. "He never went to your house?"

"No! I've been calling him and texting him - where the fuck is he, mate?" I feel  my voice get sort of shaky. "I'm freaking out!"

"I know, I know." Liam sighs, clearly being stressed by this too. "I'll try texting him too, okay? Then maybe-"

I drown out Liam's voice as I hear a ding from my phone. As I check to see who it is, it's Louis texting me.

"Payno! Louis texted me! He's okay! See ya, I'll call you back later!" I shout, then hang up.

Louis: Hey Niall! Howr youtoing busdy?

I furrow my eyebrows as I look at the text.

Niall: Lou, are you ok? You never came to my house, mate. Where are you?

Louis: I'm st this super coo party fvro

My eyes widen when I read party.

Niall: You're fucking drunk, aren't you?! Louis, where are you?!

Louis: I tolldddd you amytoo a prty

I groan loudly and throw my phone onto my bed, balling my hair up into my fists, stressed. I grab my phone and call Liam again, needing to be able to find out where Louis is as soon as possible.

"Hi, so what happened?" Liam asks less worriedly now, since I told him I thought Louis was okay.

"He's at a party! He's totally drunk 'cause his texts are messed up'. He won't tell me where the fuck he is!" I yell.

"Okay, uhm, I don't know what to do other - oh my god! Wait!"

"Wait? Wait what?" I ask him, stopping from pacing around.

"We can track him by his phone." Liam says. I smile brightly and nod my head.


We grabbed Harry to tag along and help us and we ran around many neighborhoods to get to the party house.

"Why would be be at a party anyways?" I get angry at him. "He's never been interested in drinking before. He knows how fucking dumb it is! He could get seriously hurt or make dumb choices - oh fuck! What if a girl is taking advantage of him or something? Guys, we really have to get there as soon as we can! Cmon, run faster!"

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