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LOUIS (Another 'Lou POV' chapter ayy)

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(Another 'Lou POV' chapter ayy)

Our conversation didn't last much longer before we were called inside by my mum to come eat dinner. Payno and Harry are already at the table and waiting for the food, so we join them. I look at the back of Niall's head as he walks in front of me and bite my lip, letting my eyes drift down to the ground.

You can't have him. Stop trying.

Don't be so awkward around him. You've already lost that jokey-type friendship you two used to have. It'll only get worse.

That's the part that really sucks. Niall and I used to be so playful all the time, but now I'm either awkward or we're having serious conversations. I fucking hate that so much.

"Hey, Niall?" I whisper as we eat, him sitting next to me. Everyone else is focused on other conversations and eating their food.

"Yeah? What's up?" He asks me, eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't wanna be with Liam or Harry at the party tonight, I-" I stop myself as I finally remind myself; Niall has a girlfriend. He's gonna wanna be with her that night. "Uh, Sorry. Never mind."

"Wait, what?" Niall lightly hits my shoulder, whispering back.

"I just, i don't wanna be with them. I, like, miss you." I whisper to him and he blushes lightly. "We used to joke around a lot and all that, but I screwed that up. So I wanna hang out with you at the party." I admit.

"Yeah!" Niall smiles, cheeks still a shade of light pink. "I miss that too," he laughs lightly. "Why'd you say never mind, though? It's a great idea."

"Cause I assumed you'd wanna be with your girlfriend." I shrug, looking away from Niall.

"I'd choose my best friend over my girlfriend any day." Niall hits me jokingly. "Especially 'cause we can probably finally get to play around more."

"Okay, stop." I laugh, covering my mouth. "That sounded so bad." I continue laughing loudly.

"Or is that how I meant for it to sound?" He winks as he smirks, then starts laughing too." "Sorry, sorry. I know - too soon. We just kissed so it's a little awkward."

"No it's okay." I smile. "At least we're joking again already. Better than constantly being awkward about the situation."

"Smarty pants," Niall grins, hitting his leg against mine. I blush lightly at his touch and try to hide it by eating some of my food.

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