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*Can't handle this much cuteness😫😍

*Can't handle this much cuteness😫😍

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We get out of the bath after a good forty minutes. We kissed a little, but mainly just talked and flirted a lot. I tried to make him feel a little better by complimenting him a lot and being goofy just to get his mind off things.

"You know we've got to expose Jake." I tell Louis as we dry off our bodies. Louis glances up at me and then back at his body, continuing to dry himself off.

"Maybe he'll stop." Louis mumbles, clearly not being too confident.

"Baby, trust me please. He almost... like, you know. I don't wanna say it. It's awful, but that's what he was trying to do to you, even though you were sobbing." I get too heated and stop myself from talking. "I'm sorry. I just fucking hate him, Lou. I think I'll kill him if i see him." I exaggerate, but I definitely would beat him to a pulp.

"I hate him too," Louis bites his lip. I smile sadly at him, then put my hand on Louis' shoulder as i press my lips against his. We pull away and Louis smiles. "But I love you, a whole fucking lot."

I blush and smile at him. "Yeah, I love you too, baby." I tell him. "Cmon. Let's get changed and go watch some movies before we sleep." I suggest and Louis nods his head with a smile.

I hold Louis' hand from the bathroom to his room, which isn't that far, but I still hold it.

I jump onto his bed and then tug on his arm, pulling him until he lays on my side and careful not to make him land on his hips.

"So..." Harold asks, smiling like he knows something. Him and Payno giggle as they turn off the game and stand up, standing at the end of the bed. "I see by your wet hair that you both got in the bath."

"Yup." I smile, wrapping my arms around Louis as he giggles and blushes.

"Uh, what'd you guys do?" He furrows his eyebrows, Liam raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing but kiss a little and chat." I tell them honestly. Louis rests his head on my shoulder and kisses my collarbone a few times.

"Woah, by how much you two love each other I would've thought if you were both naked in the same room, you'd just say screw it and fuck each other." Harry jokes, laughing. Liam hits his arm as he covers his mouth and laughs loudly.

Louis hides his face in the crook of my neck and giggles quietly. I laugh briefly and then smirk over at my two friends.

"Yeah, it was pretty damn hard to resist." I say, smiling once I feel Louis' breath as he laughs and hits my chest playfully.

"Stop, no it was not." He whines, pouting at me.

"No, it's 100% the truth." I smile at him. "Just face it, Lou, you're super sexy." I smirk, kissing his neck and making his cheeks turn red.

"Alright, alright." Harry groans. "We don't need to hear all this lovey-dovey shit. Damn!"

"Oh cmon, Hazza." Payno sighs. "They're in love, let them live." He giggles quietly.

"Thank you Liam." I smile, laughing lightly. "Okay, I'm ready to watch some movies. Shall we get some snacks and then begin?"

"Let's go for it!" Liam smiles as him and Harry jump onto the other end of the bed.

"Niall, come with me to get snacks." Louis whispers timidly, playing with my fingers. I nod my head and smile, standing up and grabbing his hand, leading him toward the hallway.

"What are you two doing? Having sex?" Hazza laughs loudly.

I hear Liam mumble a, "shut up," and then giggle softly.

"Yep," I wink at them and then turn around, receiving a punch to the arm from Louis.

"Don't." He giggles. I turn around to see my two friends looking very shocked. I start laughing loudly.

"It's a fucking joke," I roll my eyes. "We're going to get your snacks, assholes." I shake my head and then walk down the stairs with Louis. It's still super late at night, technically early in the morning, it being around 3:45am. None of us are tired anymore though, at least not tired enough to just fall asleep.

Louis walks closer to me as we reach the first floor of his house, entering the kitchen.

"He won't do anything when I'm with you, baby." I promise Louis, kissing his cheek.

"It's just scary." He bites his lip. I throw my arm over his shoulder and pull him closer to me, then let go of him to find some drinks and snacks.

"Soda, M&M's, Pringles, Goldfish. Good?" I smile. Louis nods and then we both carry everything back upstairs.

"How was the sex?" Harry jokes. Liam hits him as he laughs loudly.

"Best I've ever had." I wink at Louis, loving how his cheeks turn pink in the matter of seconds. "Nah, we couldn't do that anyways."

"What? Why not?" Liam asks. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.

"Jake, fucking asshole, had such a tough grip on Lou's hips that he left bruises."

Harry stands up and crosses his arms. "What the fuck is that guys issue?" He yells. "He's still in the basement, right? He's about to wish he wasn't cause I swear to fucking Christ, I'm-"

"Don't." I sigh, stopping Harry before he gets to the door. "Trust me, I want to too, but Lou just needs us to stay with him and get him through this."

I smile over at Lou who blushes and hides his face in my chest as he stands next to me. I kiss the top of his head and then walk us back to the bed, laying down next to him.


After the first movie comes to an end, I feel Louis' chest moving as he breaths lightly whilst laying on me. I smile over at him and hug him a little tighter.

"You're my world," I whisper before kissing him and falling to sleep myself.


Hope this chapter was at least 'eh' haha. If we get to 5 likes I'll update again today!!!

I have nothing else to say, so...



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