15. Ain't it fun

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Once Brandy's finished glamming me up after what will go down into my history books as the most artistically inept photo shoot ever, I feel ready to take on the world again. With the power of make-up and some intense squeezing, she somehow managed to make my huge ass zit disappear almost completely. Rest in peace, Henry!

But apart from that, it appears the wheel of fortune just refuses to turn around in my favor today.

When I close the dressing room door behind me after saying my goodbyes and a heartfelt thank you to Brandy, I bump into Corey and Vicky.

"Hey Vicks, what are you doing here?" I ask, not expecting her at the agency on her off day.

She throws me an apologetic look. "Oh, Kare, we left you a note at the apartment. One of the models for the Versace campaign got sick, so Helena called me last minute to fill in for her."

"Why the sad face then?" I wonder, a bit puzzled by her ostensible lack of excitement. " A shoot for Versace, that's huge!"

"Yeah, well.... it is. But it's in Sequoia National Park, and we have to leave like, now. And with it being a 4-hour drive and Corey being the only driver available on such short notice, we won't be able to make it to the party."

Ok. That sucks. I really wanted them to be there with me tonight, but I try not to show how bummed out I am. "Don't worry guys, it's probably gonna be nothing special anyway," I shrug in a weak effort to play things down.

"Nothing special, are you kidding me? Million dollar villa near the ocean, free booze, famous people- I've heard rumors that fucking Aerosmith's gonna be there!" Corey counters miserably, rubbing his temples and shaking his head in dismay.

"Yeah, I know how much you were looking forward to it," I sigh in sympathy, pulling him in for a quick hug, "I'll be sure not to have too much fun, ok?"

"Nah, you better make damn sure that at least you and Paulina have the time of your life! I wanna hear everything about it tomorrow, ok?" Corey responds, feigning a smile. "Do you have change for the bus? The 302 line to Sunset and Clarke stops right across our place."

"Thanks, I'll be fine, I have a few dollars lying around in my purse somewhere," I answer cheerfully. Shit, I didn't even think of the fact that Corey was not only going to be my ride home just now, but our ride for tonight too. Maybe Paulina and I can get a lift from the band, although I'm reluctant to ask. Axl really only invited me -and my friends- to come tonight, but not so much to come with him as his official date. And in all honesty, that's something that bugs me a lot more than I'd like to admit.


It's close to rush hour and the bus is packed. With temperatures rising to a 105 degrees and clamped between a businessman's sweaty armpits and a seedy looking elderly woman with tuna breath, I silently resolve never to take the luxury of having Corey as my driver for granted again. 

I literally gasp for breath when I finally arrive at my stop. As I enter our apartment's doorstep, I notice that it feels awfully quiet, which strikes me as odd. Knowing Paulina, she'd normally be blasting some music while getting ready for the night out by now.

"Paulina, are you there?" I shout uncertainly.

A fragile voice, coming from the bathroom, answers me. "In here, but enter at your own risk."

I walk into the bathroom to see Paulina on her knees in front of the toilet. NO! She can't be sick! Not today of all fucking days! I know it's incredibly selfish to refer this whole situation to myself when Paulina's the one that's so sick she's projectile vomiting like that Regan girl from the fucking Exorcist movie, but I mean...come on! All of my friends are actually gonna bail on me tonight? This can't be happening! 

I'm not proud to confess that it takes a lot of willpower for me to sound concerned rather than irritated. "Jesus Paulina, what happened?"

"Turns out me and that girl Vicky's filling in for had the same thing for lunch this afternoon. Bad shrimps, I guess," she manages to let out in between hurls. "So sorry I'm not gonna be able to make it tonight."

"Don't apologize, sweetie, it's not your fault. Is there anything I can do for you?"

She nods her head and looks at me with watery eyes. "No.... just promise me you'll bring my name up if you happen to meet Steven Tyler there."

Once Paulina's emptied her stomach completely, I accompany her to her bed, where she curls up into fetal position. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" I ask before I turn out the lights, secretly hoping her answer will be 'yes' this time. 

As could be expected, I'm in no such luck. "I'll be ok Karen. Just go and call Axl, for god's sake," she mutters before she drifts off almost instantly.

Ok, here goes nothing. The phone's dialing tone sounds far too loud in the otherwise silent apartment. I wait for at least a minute, but no one picks up. Of course. They left already. Could have guessed that. I'm just about to hang up when I hear a girl's voice at the other end of the line.

"Hi! Iz-?" Whatever she's trying to say next is interrupted by static noise.

"Hi, uhm... this is Karen?" The echo of my own voice is followed by crackling sounds, and I can only make up a few words of what whoever it is that picked up the phone is telling me. She seemed to ask for Izzy when she picked up, so I assume it's this girl Izzy usually hangs out with...I think her name's Angela.

"Address....surprise....thinks I'm still in New York....HELLO?" The connection suddenly re-establishes at her last words. "O, hey, that's better. Sorry, didn't catch your name! The guys aren't here, but I can leave a message for them if you want me to?" 

"It's Karen. And that's ok, I was just hoping to hitch a ride to Malibu with them, but I guess I'll catch a bus instead."

"I'm on my way to Malibu too! Just came to the guys' place in search of the address. Which I can't find."

I grasp the invite from our refrigerator door. "Oh, I've got the address right here! It's 253 Carbon Canyon Road."

"Thanks, Karen, you're a lifesaver! Do you live anywhere near the strip? I can give you a ride if you want?"

I can't believe it, my luck has finally turned around! "That'd be awesome! But I don't wanna be an inconvenience or anything..."

"You're not, I could use some company after this boring plane ride from New York! Where can I pick you up?"

This girl is probably not Angela then. Last time I checked, she was here in L.A. But I'll have plenty of time to find out who she is once we're in the car, let's seal the deal of my ride here first. "Do you know the Rainbow bar and grill?"

"Yeah, I do! Meet you there in half an hour? I'll be the girl in the white Ford Sierra."

"You're the best! See you there in a bit....just one quick question, cause my mom's always told me not to take rides from strangers...what's your name?"

"Your mother sounds like a wise woman," she giggles. "My name is Erin."

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